did you figure it out by now?

As you mentioned above, fully figuring out SSH and all it's capabilities is 
hard. I remember when I was learning and trying to understand it, it took 
me 5 full days (~10hrs a day). Yes, I literally devoted 5 days to learn it. 
So don't feel discouraged if you don't get it yet, it's normal.

I'll just briefly try to provide some feedback:
- ssh agent should NOT be running on the remote machine - it should be 
running on your local machine (where you're doing `$cap production deploy`)
- it's the key from your local machine that's forwarded to the server. Then 
the forwarded key is used for github authentication
- did you try this from the guide: ssh -A dep...@one-of-my-servers.com 'git 
ls-remote g...@github.com:capistrano/rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan.git
What's the output? Note: you should run the above command from your local 
machine - not on the server!

So if it's still not working for you, write here and we can try to debug 
the process!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 8:09:42 PM UTC+2, Roy Miller wrote:
> Probably something simple, but I'm at wit's end after exploring everything 
> i know of from the Cap docs and elsewhere.
> I set up my `deploy.rb` like so:
> ```ruby
> SSHKit.config.command_map[:rake] = "bundle exec rake" # Ensure that bundle 
> is used for rake tasks
> lock '3.1.0' # config valid only for Capistrano 3.1
> set :application, '[myapp]'
> set :user, "deploy"
> set :deploy_to, '/var/www/[myapp]'
> set :use_sudo, false
> set :pty, false
> set :keep_releases, 5
> set :format, :pretty
> set :log_level, :debug
> set :repo_url, 'g...@github.com:....git'
> set :scm, :git
> set :branch, 'master'
> set :ssh_options, { forward_agent: true }
> ...
> ```
> My stage file for the `acceptance` stage looks like this:
> ```ruby
> set :stage, :acceptance
> set :node_env, 'test'
> set :user, 'deploy'
> role :app, 'ec2-....compute-1.amazonaws.com'
> role :web, 'ec2-....compute-1.amazonaws.com'
> role :db,  'ec2-....compute-1.amazonaws.com'
> role :server_pipeline, 'ec2-....compute-1.amazonaws.com'
> server 'ec2-....compute-1.amazonaws.com', 
>  user: 'deploy',
>  roles: %w{server_pipeline},
>  primary: true,
>  keys: ['~/.ssh/blah.pem']
> ```
> With that, I get this result when I run `cap acceptance deploy`:
> DEBUG [a824cd7c] Running /usr/bin/env git ls-remote g...@github.com:....git 
> on ec2-....compute-1.amazonaws.com
> DEBUG [a824cd7c] Command: ( GIT_ASKPASS=/bin/echo 
> GIT_SSH=/tmp/[myapp]/git-ssh.sh /usr/bin/env git ls-remote 
> g...@github.com:....git )
> DEBUG [a824cd7c] Permission denied (publickey).
> DEBUG [a824cd7c] fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
> DEBUG [a824cd7c]
> DEBUG [a824cd7c] Please make sure you have the correct access rights
> DEBUG [a824cd7c] and the repository exists.
> DEBUG [a824cd7c] Finished in 0.175 seconds with exit status 128 (failed).
> The maddening thing is that I can copy the command on the second output 
> line above verbatim and run it from the command line on my server and it 
> works fine. I reread the Cap page about things working via SSH but not when 
> run by Cap, but couldn't see anything there to explain the result I'm 
> getting. Here's what else I checked:
>    - I confirmed that I followed all instructions from *Authentication & 
>    Authorisation* followed, the deploy user exists, and all dirs exist with 
>    the correct permissions
>    - The ssh agent on the target box is running, and my key is loaded
>    - I set up no-password access for the `deploy` user
>    - I can run `git ls-remote` from the box and get a response from GitHub
>    - `ssh -vT g...@github.com <javascript:>` confirms I can connect
> So I'm stumped. Don't know what else to try. Can anyone suggest something 
> else to check/change? SSH issues can be so frustrating.

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