
   - Ruby 1.9.2
   - Capistrano3.0.1 
   - (Rake Version: 10.3.2

hello group,
I just wanted to get the basics of capistrano to understand how and if I 
can use it for my project.

However, I am reading and trying for quite some time and I have not created 
a single capfile that did anything without stacktraces. Can you please 
assist me so that I can get started?

Based on a very basic tutorial, my capfile contains right now:

set :username, "ruud"
set :host, "localhost"

desc "simple test"
task :search, :hosts => "#{username}@#{host}" do
      run "ls -x1 /usr/lib | grep -i xml"

and cap reports me this:
SZ cap search
cap aborted!
NameError: undefined local variable or method `username' for main:Object
/data/ruby/capistrano/capfile:1:in `<top (required)>'

Do you know what I am missing?
Maybe I am not using the right tutorial. If someone can recommend me a step 
by step tutorial for understanding the basics, I would be very grateful.


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