It seems you have a typo in the first code snippet above:

namespace deploy do
  task :restart do

The `namespace deploy` => deploy should be a symbol so try changing it to 
this: `namespace :deploy`

On Thursday, July 10, 2014 2:31:53 AM UTC+2, Carlos Peñas wrote:
> Hi!.
> I'm running in to the dared "cap aborted! Don't know how to build task 
> '<task>'"
> And I do not know if I'm missing something and is a feature or there's 
> other way to get this
> supose this deploy.rb
> #after "deploy:restart", "clean:cache"
> namespace deploy do
>   task :restart do
>      ....
>   end
> end
> after "deploy:restart", "clean:cache"
> and this lib/capistrano/tasks/clean.rake
> namespace :clean do
>   task :cache do
>     ...
>   end
> end
> #after "deploy:restart", "clean:cache"
> all of these with the default Capfile which includes all the rake files in 
> lib/capistrano
> Documentation states that I  can put the after chain wherever it suits my 
> needs (and I need to place it in the rake file) But it only works if I 
> place it at the end of deploy.rb. Otherwise capistrano behaves like if task 
> was undefined. This brings me to the old #include <stdio.h> times
> is there a way to put after chain in the rake file or this one-pass 
> evaluation is intended?
> Versions:
>    - Ruby ruby 2.0.0p195 (2013-05-14 revision 40734) [x86_64-linux]
>    - Capistrano   3.2.1
>    - Rake / Rails / etc  rake, version 10.3., no rails
> Platform:
>    - Working on.... linux
>    - Deploying to... vagrant linux

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