I am experiencing binary compatibility issues trying to get pycapnp 
serialization/deserialization working with C extensions. There appear to be 
ABI compatibility issues when passing C++ structs compiled in pycapnp into 
our C extensions that are compiled in a different environment.

When serializing an instance of a class that's implemented in NuPIC, we 
create a message builder via pycapnp and pass it to the corresponding 
instance's write method, which in turn invokes write methods of its own 
contained members. This works fine for members whose classes are 
implemented in python, but doesn't always work for those implemented in the 
nupic.bindings extension due to ABI issues.

For example, when serializing the TemporalMemory class, we might employ the 
following sequence:

from nupic.proto import TemporalMemoryProto_capnp

builder = TemporalMemoryProto_capnp.TemporalMemoryProto.new_message()


Inside TemporalMemory.write(builder), we have something along these lines:

class TemporalMemory(object):
  def write(self, builder):
    builder.columnDimensions = list(self.columnDimensions)
    self.connections.write(builder.connections) # pure python
    *self._random.write(builder.random) # C++ Random class from extension*

The Random class that's implemented inside the nupic.bindings extension 
needs to rely on our own build of capnproto that's linked into the 
extension, but this doesn't seem to be compatible with the object 
constructed in pycapnp.

We learned the hard way, after much trial and error, that we can't simply 
pass the underlying message builders that were instantiated by pycapnp's 
capnp.so module to our own build of capnproto contained in the 
nupic.bindigns extension. This was particularly evident when working on the 
manylinux wheel for nupic.bindings, which needs to be compiled using the 
toolchain and c/c++ runtimes from CentOS-6. This resulted in ABI 
incompatibilities when the capnproto code compiled into the extension 
attempts to operate on a message builder that was constructed by pycapnp's 
build of capnp.so. The message builder instance created by pycapnp's 
capnp.so appears corrupted when operated upon by the capnproto code linked 
into the extension.

Is there any recommendation for handling this dual Python/C-extension 
scenario that avoids the ABI compatibility problem with C++ objects?

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