Quoting ezy...@mit.edu (2019-09-09 23:15:45)

> So Cap'n Proto is first and foremost a serialization library, and only
> incidentally a data structure description language (at least, until
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/capnproto/refcounted%7Csort:
> date/capnproto/Reg0wInHBdY/ftJUP3iTCQAJ happens).

FWIW, the Haskell implementation (of which I am the author) already
implements a "plain-old-ADTs" API in the spirit of POCS, and I default
to using it, since it's much more ergonomic (and originally my personal
interest in capnproto was more about the rich semantics of the rpc
protocol than anything related to performance).

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