On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 3:59 PM Ian Denhardt <i...@zenhack.net> wrote:

> What are apps *supposed* to do here? It isn't clear to me where else the
> backpressure is supposed to come from?

Apps should cap the number of write()s they have in-flight at once. (`->
stream` helps a lot with this, as it'll automatically figure out how many
is a good number of requests to have in flight.)

Most apps are using sandstorm-http-bridge anyway, so they're just acting
> like normal http servers -- which generally write out data to the
> response stream as fast as the socket will take it. Skimming
> sendRequest() in the bridge's source, it looks like it just copies that
> data directly into the response stream. So I am confused as to what a
> "well written" app would do?

sandstorm-http-bridge currently only does one outstanding write RPC at a
time. The code is convoluted but look at pumpWrites() -- it waits for each
send() to complete before performing the next one.

Historically there was a time where it didn't implement such a limit and
would just pump the whole response as fast as it got it, which led to the
need to do some enforcement on the supervisor side.


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