This is arguably a bug in the C++ standard library, but the reason it hits
KJ particularly hard is because of KJ's philosophy about constness:

In particular:
- Constness should be transitive. This implies that copying from a const
value can only be allowed when the copy is a deep copy. Otherwise, making a
copy would discard the transitive constness on the shared backing objects.
Cap'n Proto `Client` objects are copy-by-refcount, so shallow copies, hence
cannot be const copies.
- Constness should imply thread safety. Cap.'n Proto `Client` objects are
refcounted, and the refcounting is not thread-safe (since thread-safe
refcounting is very slow and these objects are tied to a thread-local event
loop anyway).

Unfortunately, the C++ standard library mostly takes the view that `const`
is shallow. To be fair, this is consistent with how built-in pointer and
reference types work, but it is also a much less useful way of using const.

Annoyingly, the C++ standard library containers work just fine with
move-only types, but choke on types that are non-const-copyable. These
containers really ought to default to using move semantics, or
automatically fall back to it when the copy constructor is non-const. I
consider it a bug in the standard library implementation that it errors

Luckily, you can work around the problem by wrapping the type in a struct
that only has a move constructor, not a copy constructor, which forces the
library to use move semantics only:

struct Wrapper<T> {
  Wrapper(Wrapper&) = delete;
  Wrapper(const Wrapper&) = delete;
  Wrapper(Wrapper&&) = default;
  T value;

Now you can use `std::map<string,Wrapper<Foobar::Client>>`.

Another alternative is to use `kj::HashMap`, which doesn't suffer these
problems, and is faster than `std::unordered_map`.


On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 11:59 AM Jens Alfke <> wrote:

> Hi! I'm getting started with capnp, using C++ bindings (with C++17
> compiled by Clang 12.) I'm having trouble storing remote object references,
> i.e. xx::Client objects, in STL collections. For example:
> std::map<string,Foobar::Client> foobars;
> ...
> Foobar::Client c = promise.wait(waitScope).getFoobar();
> foobars.insert({name, c});    // Compile error
> The error is "*the parameter for this explicitly-defaulted copy
> constructor is const, but a member or base requires it to be non-const*."
> I eventually worked out that the error is because *Client's copy
> constructor takes a `Client&` parameter, i.e. requires a mutable reference,
> which breaks the std::pair class* because it needs to be able to copy a
> const reference. And if you can't put a client into a std::pair, you can't
> put it into a std::map or std::unordered_map.
> I assume there must be a reason for leaving out the standard `const` in
> the copy constructor's parameter; but I can't work out what it would be. I
> know Client objects are wrappers for a pointer to a ref-counted value, so
> copy-constructing one bumps the value's ref-count, but that value is a
> separate object so it shouldn't matter whether the Client reference is
> const or not. (FYI, I've implemented my own ref-counted objects in C++ so
> I'm pretty familiar with the details...)
> Is there a good workaround for storing RPC client objects in STL maps?
> Thanks!
> --Jens
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