TL;DR: Can the two streams created by kj::newTwoWayPipe() be used on different 
threads? It kind of appears not. 

I’ve found a workaround, the LLDB command
        process handle --stop false SIGUSR1
Unfortunately adding it to my .lldbrc file does nothing; I have to enter it by 
hand every time I start the process.

The next roadblock is that my unit tests create a client and a server object, 
then connect them together by calling kj::newTwoWayPipe() and giving one end of 
the pipe to each. This worked fine in a single thread. However, now one end (an 
AsyncIoStream) gets passed into the new background thread where the client 
object lives. I get an exception
        "expected threadLocalEventLoop == &loop || threadLocalEventLoop == 
nullptr; Event armed from different thread than it was created in.  You must 
use Executor to queue events cross-thread.”

>From this and the backtrace it looks as though when I write to this end of the 
>pipe, it wants to directly notify the other end, which won’t work because it’s 
>the wrong thread for that. I was hoping that the streams would use normal Unix 
>I/O, since the comment about the TwoWayPipe class says "Typically backed by 
>socketpair() system call”.

So how do I set up streams to do I/O between threads?


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