Hey everyone,
Do you guys know if I have to ensure Byte Order for multi byte values and
larger integers?
I was working on a project that did parts of the encoding themselves, so
Big-/Little endianness would be ensured.

Now I am refactoring a fork of that library for myself and wanted to remove
anything that is unnecessary. Encoding a 64bit integer as an array of 8
bytes is a little excessive, so I would like to remove it.

Nonetheless I still need to ensure that Linux, windows, Mac OS work on all
hardware platforms. I did read the documentation as if capnp would ensure
that everything will be encoded and decoded correctly on every platform.

I'm improving on prior work, but try to eliminate some naive mistakes we
made the first time. By now I have written a schema generator and a
primitive schema registry. You can create global schema that are stored in
a central location and symlinked into your source. The central directory
can be converted to a git repo, so it can be shared. You can also generate
local schema, that are stored in your sources.

The original project used python to generate wrapping C++ classes to
automatically load from byte arrays and do some validation... At that time
nothing like this was documented by Capnproto so we did everything

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