I've been thinking about modules and versioning. CapnProto has an import
mechanism, but it doesn't seem to have a first-class concept of a schema
that can be versioned.

Recently, I've spent a bunch of time working in both TypeScript and Go, and
I had designed a module system for BitC many years ago with some care for
verification. It took some getting used to, but from a developer
perspective I have come to feel that Go has made a good set of
pragmatic decisions by tying code repositories, the cryptographic hashes
they supply, and version tags to modules and versioning, and by
*separating* imported
identifier aliasing from the import itself. The go.mod/go.sum combination
seems to handle everything that the node package system does with regard to
version binding, but subjectively feels simpler. I *do* find that import
paths get long, and I sometimes wish that go.mod had a way to do import
path shorthands, but I haven't ever hit a point where that seemed critical.

[ I definitely do *not* like Go's decision to conflate identifier
capitalization with export. It's cute in a bad way, irritating, and breaks
link compatibility with *everything*. In schemas, the need to distinguish
between public and private things doesn't arise in the same way, because
the whole point is to be publishing the protocol. ]

For CapnProto, I imagine we would call the versioned thing a schema rather
than a module. A pleasant side benefit is that well-defined versions on
schemas offer the possibility that the backwards compatibility of protocol
versions (e.g.  v1.1.0 relative to v1.0.0) can be mechanically *validated* -
which seems useful.

Two relevant points are made in the CapnProto language description.

   1. "Symbolic names can collide... which can be hard to detect in large
   systems using different versions of protocols."

   This point is made in the context of discussing type IDs. CapnProto
   needs type IDs for wire encoding reasons, but *this* isn't the right
   argument for having them! It's an argument for a proper module and version
   system. And as an aside, the question of type equivalence in the presence
   of federated protocols is good for a couple of doctoral dissertations.
   2. "Fully qualified names become large and waste space on the wire."

   As has been noted elsewhere, CapnProto's "everything is a namespace"
   leads to *horrifically* long names produced by the generators, so I
   think that ship has already sailed. The Go module system and import design
   limits the length of names in code to "importBinding.typeName". It would
   also help to get rid of the "everything is a namespace" idea.

   The notion of wasted space on the wire because of long names seems like
   a red herring, because I can't see anything in the spec suggesting that
   identifier names ever *appear* on the wire. If they did, and if
   compression is more important than clarity, we should be thinking about a
   compression-friendly renaming similar to what Google does when minifying

Before I rathole too far on this, does anybody else see this as a thing
worth thinking about for v2?


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