(This is the same process that other groups use, so I hope that this
isn't a problem.  Please let the chairs know if you have questions or
concerns, or just reply to this thread.)

We will be managing draft source and issues on GitHub.  All
substantial contributions should be made on the mailing list.  People
should feel free to open issues and pull requests, but they should
bring anything substantive to the list.

Issues will be the primary way we track topics that need discussion
and consensus.  Editors and chairs will manage labels on issues.

Issues should identify a problem, not a solution or question.
Solutions should be proposed on the list or as pull requests.
Questions should be taken to the list, after which they might turn
into one or more issues.

Any issue considered substantive will be marked with a "design" label
by editors or chairs. Design issues should be discussed on the list
before resolving. Editors can and should propose resolutions to these
issues, including making changes to the drafts directly, though we
prefer if proposals use pull requests, especially for design issues.
Editors close issues when they believe the draft contains a resolution
to the issue (usually as a result of merging a pull request).

This means that the drafts will not always contain text that has
working group consensus.  The chairs will review each new version of
the draft and ask the working group to confirm that the changes in
that version actually addresses the issues.  The chairs will annotate
issues with a "has-consensus" label once we believe that the issue has
been discussed, resolved, and properly integrated into the draft.

If this seems a bit much, don't worry.  If in doubt, just email the
list or Erik and I and we will work something out.

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