In the context of Android, having this additional URL would help us as the
system is not too sure what to do when the session is about to expire: if
we show a notification saying "your session is about to expire" and the
user taps it, but the venue info or login page do not show a remediation UI
(many existing implementations may not have such a page), this would be
confusing to users.
Having a clear signal from the portal that sessions that are about to
expire can be extended at the given URL would help.



On Fri, Jan 10, 2020 at 3:46 PM Heng Liu <liucougar=> wrote:

> Hi all,
> In some captive portals, it's possible to extend (or remediate) an
> existing session without losing connectivity. This use case is covered in
> the CAPPORT architecture draft:
> 4.2.  Conditions About to Expire
>    This section describes a possible work-flow when access is about to
>    expire.
>    1.  Precondition: the API server has provided the User Equipment with
>        a duration over which its access is valid
>    2.  The User Equipment is communicating with the outside network
>    3.  The User Equipment's UI indicates that the length of time left
>        for its access has fallen below a threshold
>    4.  The User Equipment visits the API again to validate the expiry
>        time
>    5.  If expiry is still imminent, the User Equipment prompts the user
>        to access the web-portal URI again
> Step 5 in the above section suggests UE visit the user-portal URI again.
> However, not all CP provides a way to extend sessions. In order to provide
> a positive signal that extending session is possible, what do you think if
> an optional remediation-url field is introduced in the API JSON file please?
> CP provider can set this to the same URL as the user-portal-url if they
> want, or they can provide a different URL, If present, then in the Step 5
> above, the remediation url will be used.
> The presence of this url is a positive signal to the UE that extending a
> session is possible in this captive portal.
> Our user research in many markets on Captive Portals indicates that many
> users dislike having their connection interrupted (e.g., in the middle of a
> call, download, stream). For operators who are willing to offer a way to
> extend without an interruption, this is an improvement to the user
> experience.
> This remediation-url is similar to the "subscription remediation"
> mechanism outlined in Passpoint (Hotspot 2.0) Release 2:
> In the Passpoint Release 2.0 Spec, page 71 "8.1.3 Subscription
> remediation" section:
> For the purposes of this document, the term “remediation” refers broadly
> to the process of fixing a problem in the subscriber’s subscription; this
> definition includes provisioning updated credentials to a mobile device,
> updating the PerProviderSubscription MO on a mobile device or performing
> some online function to update the subscription (i.e., no new
> credentials/data are provisioned to the mobile device).
> On page 72:
> There are two classes of remediation: machine and user remediation:
> • Machine remediation means the problem(s) with the subscription can be
> remediated
> without any user intervention.
> • User remediation means the problem(s) with the subscription requires
> user intervention.
> On the same page 72, in section "8.1.4 Subscription management web
> content", it states a web page could get more info from a user if "user
> remediation" is needed.
> regards
> Dr. Heng Liu
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