The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'Captive Portal API'
  (draft-ietf-capport-api-08.txt) as Proposed Standard

This document is the product of the Captive Portal Interaction Working Group.

The IESG contact persons are Murray Kucherawy and Barry Leiba.

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

Technical Summary:

This document defines a simple HTTP API that allows a network to provide
information about captive portal status.

Working Group Summary:

This document was at times controversial in discussions.  Some participants felt
that the potential for an API of this form to be spoofed was a problem.  Some
participants felt that this particular design was especially hard for network
operators to deploy due to some of the inherent complexities in deployments.
Some participants felt that it would be necessary to include more detailed
information, such as what sites were accessible and what sites were not.  At
times there were communication difficulties in the working group that
exacerbated problems.  However, as a baseline set of features, both clients and
networks have demonstrated agreement that the current shape of this document is

Document Quality:

The document is short and concise and of high quality.  The fields that are
defined are all driven by real client requirements and implementation experience
in multiple implementations.  We have experience with deploying this on the IETF


Martin Thomson is document shepherd.  Barry Leiba is the responsible Area 

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