Martin Thomson <> wrote:
    > Maybe that is out of scope for your draft, but it shouldn't be out of
    > scope for a group that attempts to look more closely at providing
    > advice for dealing with these features.

    > (Does this thread really need to be cross-posted so widely?  Can we 
decide on a single venue?)

Blame me :-)
It's only three lists.
It's not like I CC'ed to ADD, emailcore and the dns* groups :-)

I didn't think that Yiu's post to int-area would catch all the right flies.
Apparently it might get a BOF ML soon.

and I felt that it deserved wider review and excitement.
Our mailman strips off Reply-To: since we did that DMARC avoidant hack
(AFAIK), so redirecting replies only works if we all agree.

Michael Richardson <>   . o O ( IPv6 IøT consulting )
           Sandelman Software Works Inc, Ottawa and Worldwide

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