Francesco Stampacchia wrote:
> I'm finding myself stuck in implementing token validation,
> such as trying to validate token on client side, once the token is 
> generated, doesn't work.
> But do I need to programmatically check the token or is it possible to 
> do so through some xml configuration file?!
Yes - once you received the SAML Token at the service end you need can 
verify the issuer and it's validity.

Thanks & regards.
> I'm getting a bit lost!!!
> Thanks.
> 2009/9/14 Francesco Stampacchia < 
> <>>
>     By the way,
>     if I get to work the client and I have added my Service in the STS
>     list on the IS like:
>     http://localhost:9080/axis2/services/WSO2Server/echo
>     pointing to my keystore, do I have to add some extra code to my
>     Server application?! Like validate Token or such?! How do I test
>     that I can validate my assertion only if I am federated to the
>     sender?!
>     Thanks
>     2009/9/14 Francesco Stampacchia <
>     <>>
>         Hello Prabath,
>         I was able to obtain the token from the STS, but I'm finding
>         this exception when performing the sendreceive(payload) function
>         org.wso2client.client.WSO2ClientException: Echo failed!
>                 at
>         org.wso2client.client.WSO2Client.echo(
>                 at org.wso2client.test.ClientTest.echo(
>                 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
>         Method)
>                 at
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>                 at
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>                 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>                 at
> org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(
>                 at
>                 at
> org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(
>                 at
> org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(
>                 at
> org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(
>                 at
> org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(
>                 at
> org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
>                 at
> org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
>                 at
>         org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
>                 at
>         org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
>                 at
>         org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.evaluate(
>                 at
> org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(
>                 at
> org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(
>                 at
>                 at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
>                 at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
>                 at
>         org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
>                 at
>         org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
>                 at
>         org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.evaluate(
>                 at
> org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(
>                 at
> org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(
>                 at
>                 at
>                 at
>                 at
>                 at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runMain(
>                 at
>         org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runMainAndExit(
>                 at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.main(
>                 at org.wso2client.test.ClientTest.main(
>         Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException:
> cannot create
>         instance
>                 at
>                 at
>                 at
> org.apache.rampart.util.RampartUtil.getSignatureCrypto(
>                 at
> org.apache.rampart.builder.BindingBuilder.getSignatureBuider(
>                 at
> org.apache.rampart.builder.AsymmetricBindingBuilder.doSignature(
>                 at
> org.apache.rampart.builder.AsymmetricBindingBuilder.doSignBeforeEncrypt(
>                 at
>                 at
>                 at
>         org.apache.rampart.handler.RampartSender.invoke(
>                 at org.apache.axis2.engine.Phase.invoke(
>                 at
>         org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.invoke(
>                 at
>         org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.send(
>                 at
> org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.send(
>                 at
> org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.executeImpl(
>                 at
> org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient.execute(
>                 at
> org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient.sendReceive(
>                 at
> org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient.sendReceive(
>                 at
>         org.wso2client.client.WSO2Client.echo(
>                 ... 34 more
>         Caused by: java.lang.InstantiationException:
>                 at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
>                 at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
>                 at
>                 ... 51 more
>         I'm trying to work it out, but if you have managed it or you
>         can guess its cause, it would be great!
>         Sorry for bothering, but your hints are being very useful for
>         my work!
>         Thanks.
>         2009/9/14 Francesco Stampacchia
>         <
>         <>>
>             Thank you Prabath,
>             I'm trying to work the whole scenario out following some
>             of your blog's posts, but I'm getting lost.
>             Could you point me out which of your posts can help me
>             find my way?
>             Thanks.
>             2009/9/11 Prabath Siriwardena <
>             <>>
>                 Hi Stampacchia;
>                 Francesco Stampacchia wrote:
>                 > Hello Prabath,
>                 > I'm trying to set up my scenario using WSO2 Identity
>                 Server 2.0, and
>                 > I'm findind some help in your useful blog.
>                 >
>                 > But I'm stuck on some consideration.
>                 > First of all I think Identity Server could help me
>                 as IdP if I use it
>                 > as STS, am I right?!
>                 Yes... you can use Identity Server as an IdP.
>                 > SO 've created my custom Web Service Server that
>                 exposes one method
>                 > (echo) and I put it under axis2. Then I pointed it
>                 through STS
>                 > Configuration, using wso2 standard keystore alias
>                 and keystore.
>                 Yes - correct - that is you have added you service end
>                 point as a
>                 trusted end point to the STS.
>                 But - "using wso2 standard keystore alias and
>                 keystore" is not correct.
>                 You need to first upload the cert corresponding to
>                 your service to the
>                 IS keystore and then use that cert alias in the STS
>                 configuration
>                 against he service end point.
>                 >
>                 > In this way is my service protected?! Am I doing right?!
>                 Please see my comment above.
>                 >
>                 > Then I coded the client sample you give in your blog
>                 and merged it
>                 > with my standard client in order to first perform a
>                 token retrival and
>                 > then, on successful retrival, give permissions to
>                 ask the service.
>                 > Is that ok or is there a way I can perform this task
>                 better through
>                 > the Identity Server?!
>                 >
>                 > Could you point me out some samples or a corret
>                 workflow to make it
>                 > all work.
>                 At the service end you need to verify the SAML token
>                 received. Please go
>                 through my blog - tagged under Identity Server.
>                 Thanks & regards.
>                 -Prabath
>                 >
>                 > Thanks
>                 >
>                 > 2009/9/10 Francesco Stampacchia
>                 <
>                 <>
>                 > <
>                 <>>>
>                 >
>                 >     Thanks Prabath,
>                 >     well, it would be great I you could address me
>                 to some how-to or
>                 >     samples that could help me in setting up my
>                 scenario.
>                 >
>                 >     I have to adapt an already developed WSC/WSP
>                 scenario that uses
>                 >     rampart only for users authenticaton. Now I'd
>                 like to apply SSO
>                 >     and Federation to my use case.
>                 >
>                 >     How can Rampart and the Identity Server help me?!
>                 >
>                 >     Cheers.
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >     2009/9/10 Prabath Siriwardena <
>                 <>
>                 >     < <>>>
>                 >
>                 >         Hi;
>                 >
>                 >         Yes - in these scenarios you can use WSO2
>                 Identity Server as
>                 >         the IdP or
>                 >         the token issuer.
>                 >
>                 >         And - you need to build your client side on
>                 top of Rampart.
>                 >
>                 >         Please let us know how we could help you...
>                 >
>                 >         Thanks & regards.
>                 >         -Prabath
>                 >
>                 >         Francesco Stampacchia wrote:
>                 >         >
>                 >         > Hello everyone,
>                 >         > we're setting up a WSC-WSP scenario on 2
>                 machines.
>                 >         > Machine A acts as IdP and as WSC, Machine
>                 B is federated
>                 >         with A and
>                 >         > acts as WSP.
>                 >         > Our WSC is a simple wss client
>                 (ejb-client) and WSP is a wss
>                 >         server
>                 >         > (ejb-server).
>                 >         > we're trying to create a library (used by
>                 both WSC and WSP)
>                 >         that,
>                 >         > develops the following actions:
>                 >         >
>                 >         > 1 - Non-Browser based user single-sign-on
>                 and successive
>                 >         token generation
>                 >         >
>                 >         > 2 - SAML assertion generation on WSC side
>                 (through the token
>                 >         obtained
>                 >         > from step1)
>                 >         >
>                 >         > 3 - SAML validation on WSP side (the
>                 assertion should be
>                 >         validated
>                 >         > from the WSP)
>                 >         >
>                 >         > Can WSO2 Identity Server support us?! Does
>                 it has some API to
>                 >         > integrate it and help this development
>                 scenario?!
>                 >         >
>                 >         > Thanks in advance!
>                 >         >
>                 >         > Francesco
>                 >         >
>                 >         >
>                 >         >
>                 >         > --
>                 >         > Stampacchia Francesco
>                 >         >
>                 >        
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 >         >
>                 >         >
>                 _______________________________________________
>                 >         > Carbon-dev mailing list
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>                 >
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >     --
>                 >     Stampacchia Francesco
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >
>                 > --
>                 > Stampacchia Francesco
>                 >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>                 > Carbon-dev mailing list
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>             -- 
>             Stampacchia Francesco
>         -- 
>         Stampacchia Francesco
>     -- 
>     Stampacchia Francesco
> -- 
> Francesco Stampacchia
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