Hi all,
As a follow up of the previous emails by Roberto Cappa on this topic we'd like 
to update you on the results of some testing
Our restful service to be mediated has two operations. One is somenthing like 
GET http://host:port/people/{id} to get the XML representing a person and the 
other is
A http POST to http://host:port/people in order to add a new person. The 
payload of the http POST is the xml representing a person

1) Mediating Restful HTTP GET/POST with a Service Proxy (ESB 2.1.3)
a) without authentication with endpoint configured "Leave as  is"
The HTTP POST works as expected while the HTTP GET has an issue because the 
request that the proxy forwards to the endpoint has a "?null" appended to the 
url. This issue shows when the HTTP GET does not have parameters
b) with authentication (basic)
                  In this case we had to switch to Servlet Http/https transport 
in order to workaround the POXHandler bug.
         In this scenario the HTTP GET does not work because the service proxy 
forwards to the endpoint an HTTP POST.
         The HTTP POST does not work because the service proxy forwards to an 
invalid url produced chaining the correct url with the name of the root xml tag 
in the request body
          The same problem is shown using the POX configuration of the endpoint

2)  Mediating Restful HTTP GET/POST with a Message Mediator (ESB 2.1.3)
a) without authentication
                   The behaviour is the same of 1.a

         b) We are going to develop the BasicAuth mediator but, first, we'd 
like to know how to overcome the issue in item 1.a and 1.b

         In particular it seems to us that the issue 1.b it is due to the 
servlet http transport that is the only one we can use in order to add basic 
auth to the endpoint (in case of service proxy). Can we use the nio http/https 
transport with the BasicAuth mediator?

We ' d like to know if there is something wrong with our tests or there are 
issues with the processing of RESTFUL HTTP request?

Thanks in advance

Telecom Italia
Marco Ughetti
TI Lab
Vertical Platform & VAS
Vertical Platforms Innovation
Via G. Reiss Romoli, 274 - 10148 Torino
+ 39 011 2285654
+ 39 331 6001596

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