Regarding your issue :-
 <sql>update Products set productName=?, productLine=?,quantityInStock=
> ?,buyPrice=? WHERE productCode=?</sql>

  <result element="Products" rowName="Product" defaultNamespace="";>
>          <element name="productCode" column="productCode"
> requiredRoles="everyone" xsdType="xs:string" />


Your output mapping is wrong because you cannot map a result if your SQL
querry is not returning anything. Only the fields which are returned from
the SQL querry can be mapped into output mapping fields therefore, you
cannot map an output mappings for Update/Delete/Insert Queries.

>>Is the patch release planned/scheduled, or would it better to build the
trunk or patch a single class-file?
The Patch release will release end of this month.

>>the question is "how" to specify datasource-fault-handling, or is it
"hardcoded"? If "hardcoded" ... is there a table of
errors<>http-status-codes or in which source-file can i find it?

It is not hardcoded we do not specifically handle faulty handling if an
error occurs we send back a generic soap fault.(http-status-code :500)

>>The wsdl2 is not valid and even not "well-formed". Is this a known issue
or should I file a jira-ticket?
Yes raise a JIRA issue regarding this.

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 4:11 PM, Manfred Herrmann <> wrote:

>> 4. Is it possible to change the default MEP "in-only" for POST/PUT/DELETE
>> methods? MEP is in-only in DS for queries that don't return any results
>> (if
>> you don't provide a result section in the query). If you provide a result
>> section in the query, MEP is in-out.
>> The ResourcesSample contains only queries with result-section. The wsdl2
>> for
>> the operations shows MEP=in-only (pattern="
>> ").
>> Sorry Amani, it was too late.
> There are NO result-sections in insert/update/delete queries. I tried to
> define some results(output-mappings) with the edit-wizzard.
>>    <query id="updateProductQuery" useConfig="default">
>       <sql>update Products set productName=?,
>> productLine=?,quantityInStock=?,buyPrice=? WHERE productCode=?</sql>
>       <result element="Products" rowName="Product" defaultNamespace="
>          <element name="productCode" column="productCode"
>> requiredRoles="everyone" xsdType="xs:string" />
>       </result>
>       <param name="productCode" paramType="SCALAR" sqlType="STRING"
>> type="IN" ordinal="5" />
>       <param name="productName" paramType="SCALAR" sqlType="STRING"
>> type="IN" ordinal="1" />
>       <param name="productLine" paramType="SCALAR" sqlType="STRING"
>> type="IN" ordinal="2" />
>       <param name="quantityInStock" paramType="SCALAR" sqlType="INTEGER"
>> type="IN" ordinal="3" />
>       <param name="buyPrice" paramType="SCALAR" sqlType="DOUBLE" type="IN"
>> ordinal="4" />
>    </query>
> The output-mapping is saved to the *.dbs file and the service is not in
> "fault-state". If I try to execute the "PUT / update" resource-URL the DSS
> throws this exception:
>> [2010-08-18 11:49:26,772] ERROR - DS Fault Message: Error in
>> 'SQLQuery.processNormalQuery' Source Data Service:- Name: ResourcesSample1
>> Location:
>> /opt/WSO2/dist-3.0.0/wso2dataservices-2.5.0/repository/deployment/server/dataservices/ResourcesSample1.dbs
>> Description: N/A Default Namespace: 
>> Request Name:
>> _putproduct_productcode_productname_productline_quantityinstock_buyprice
>> Current Params: {quantityInStock=353, productCode=mhePC3, productLine=pl3,
>> buyPrice=353.353, productName=pc3} Nested Exception:-
>> org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Methode nur zulässig for eine Abfrage. Erlaubt
>> sind execute oder executeUpdate, nicht jedoch executeQuery Method is only
>> allowed for a query. Use execute or executeUpdate instead of executeQuery;
>> SQL statement: update Products set productName=?,
>> productLine=?,quantityInStock=?,buyPrice=? WHERE productCode=? [90002-112]
> Is it my mistake or is it a issue?
> Do you know how to debug and/or workaround this issues?
>> The wsdl2 is not valid and even not "well-formed". Is this a known issue
>> or
>> should I file a jira-ticket?
> thanks
> Manfred
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