
Support for relative schema import/includes were added into the Tryit code
in the trunk. Along with this addition, I am also hoping to do several
improvements to the Tryit UI in order to make it more user friendly.

At the moment, if the input type of a particular operation is a complex
type, then we just give a textarea for the input. User will have to build
whole payload element himself and put it there. This makes trying a service,
a bit annoying. So, it would be better if we can map even complex types to a
set of form fields. Then, user will have to fill only the simple type

In order to do that, current javascript stub needs to be modified. At the
moment we follow the following approach.

Assume, we have an operation named "foo" and inputs for that
operations as bar1,
bar2, ..., then the corresponding method in the JS stub would be foo(bar1,
bar2, ...). When we have a complex type, then the number of parameters for
the function might get increased a lot. So my suggestion is to modify the
foo function in JS stub to accept either an xml string or a Badgerfish JSON
object(though, Badgerfish too hides several information of the original

Further, when we try out the same service for several times, we would need
to re-enter the values for input fields. Although, these fields might be
remembered by the browser itself, I am hoping to introduce some kind of
persistence for those values. So when we generate the tryit page for the
next time, user can request to get the form filled with existing data.

When we are trying an external service which need custom SOAP/HTTP headers,
we don't have an option to specify them at the moment. Hope to solve that
issue too.


Ruchira Wageesha
Software Engineer - WSO2 Inc. www.wso2.com

Email: ruch...@wso2.com Blog: ruchirawagee...@blogspot.com
Mobile: +94771083016, +94714439028

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