Sameera & I have been investigating this issue. So far, we found the
following issues.

1. HouseKeeping task not stopped before restarting
2. TCP transport sender MBean has a reference to the ConfigurationContext,
hence the ConfigurationContext does not get GCd
3. Restart handler no GCd
4. ChildFirstURLClassloader not being GCd. This is the root cause of the
exhaustion of the PermGen space. All classes loaded from this classloader
never get unloaded since this classloader is not GCd. There were more than
470 incoming references to the stale classloader object, and all of those
were coming from Equinox classes & objects. We still haven't figured out how
to fix this and where the memory leak lies.

*Afkham Azeez*
Senior Software Architect & Senior Manager; WSO2, Inc.;,
*Member; Apache Software Foundation;
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