[INFO] [clean:clean {execution: default-clean}]
[INFO] Deleting /home/carbon/carbon/dependencies/commons-vfs/core/target
[INFO] [antrun:run {execution: javadoc.resources}]
[INFO] Executing tasks
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] [remote-resources:process {execution: default}]
[INFO] [resources:resources {execution: default-resources}]
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 32 resources
[INFO] Copying 1 resource to META-INF
[INFO] Copying 1 resource to META-INF
[INFO] [compiler:compile {execution: default-compile}]
[INFO] Compiling 237 source files to 
[INFO] [bundle:manifest {execution: bundle-manifest}]
[INFO] [resources:testResources {execution: default-testResources}]
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 30 resources
[INFO] Copying 1 resource to META-INF
[INFO] Copying 1 resource to META-INF
[INFO] [compiler:testCompile {execution: default-testCompile}]
[INFO] Not compiling test sources
[INFO] [antrun:run {execution: default}]
[INFO] Executing tasks
     [move] Warning: 
/home/carbon/carbon/dependencies/commons-vfs/core/target/test-classes/code not 
[INFO] Executed tasks
[WARNING] DEPRECATED [systemProperties]: Use systemPropertyVariables instead.
[INFO] [surefire:test {execution: default-test}]
[INFO] Tests are skipped.
[INFO] [jar:jar {execution: default-jar}]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Error assembling JAR

Embedded error: Failed to read filesystem attributes for: 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 44 minutes 9 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Fri May 06 11:25:16 UTC 2011
[INFO] Final Memory: 857M/1820M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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