Hi Everyone,

Following are the meeting notes from the discussion we had on 10/05/2011
with regards to Registry UI evaluation.

*From Services' menu UI*
- Documentation links needs to be more useful.
- Documentation links needs to be renamed into something more
- Replace the variable number of fields with 'Add' button.
  > Have 'Add' button when adding aspects. Have one entry as default.

*Level of information should be decoupled/divided*
- High level business information from technical information must be
- We need some strong use-cases to drive the scenarios.
- Simplify the Service UI for business, have a separate UI for technical if
- Need to get rid of namespace being mandatory.
- Have the documentation links associated with other mandatory fields.
- What are 'Environment'(drop-down) values in Services menu? Make them more

*Concept of Location*
- We need a concept of Location, but neither location nor namespace should
be mandatory.

*Service Life-cycle*
- Need to have a differentiation between business/technical information.
  > Suggestions popped out:
     > Have options like 'Advance', to separate the two models. e.g: Service
interface vs business service.

*Lacks in consistency with regards to the UI platform*
- Advance Search of Services UI (e.g: listing the results).
- Filtering, should be renamed to something like 'Advance Search'.
- Message displayed when deleting a service needs to show the service name
as well.

*Browser View of Services*
- Currently, services with the same namepsace and service name are not
- The way we represent information needs to be systematic.
- May need to have read only pages when viewing.
- View and edit are the same, need to have a separate view page.
- Display the text content where appropriate by default, this will reduce
the number of clicks for the user.

*Need a separate read and edit view, as in ESB*
- Standard view should be appearing on top.
- Have source and design view when viewing WSDL.
- Have text displayed when standard view is clicked.

*When adding WSDLs*
- URL should be appearing in CAPS in drop-down menu.
- Message box should appear as in Service Management, need a convention as
in Service Management UI.

*Resource UI*
- Separate UI needed for WSDLs, not via the registry browser.
- Resource Browser UI needs to be faced out.
- 'Tree view' and 'Details view' needs to be changed for registry browsing.
- SLA policies needs to be separated for technical information(WSDL
- We also need to create a link between service management and service
definition. Right now, these two UIs are totally disconnected.

*Dashboard needs to be removed*

*From release POV*
 - This release:
   - Focus on functionality, filtering and basic changes.

- Next release:
   - Focus on usability issues, current UI is overly cluttered.

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