Lahiru Gunathilake
Senior Software Engineer - WSO2 Inc. www.wso2.com

Email:lah...@wso2.com Blog: www.lahiru.org
Mobile: +94716381143

Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no"?><!--
  ~ Copyright 2005-2007 WSO2, Inc. (http://wso2.com)
  ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
  ~ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  ~ limitations under the License.
    This is the main server configuration file
    ${carbon.home} represents the carbon.home system property.
    Other system properties can be specified in a similar manner.
--><Server xmlns="http://wso2.org/projects/carbon/carbon.xml";>

       Product Name
    <Name>WSO2 WSAS</Name>

       Product Version

       The fully qualified name of the server

    Webapp context root of WSO2 Carbon. If Carbon is to be deployed on a different context,
    the carbon webapp directory has to be renamed, and this entry has to be changed to have the
    same name as the renamed carbon webapp directory.

     The URL of the back end server. This is where the admin services are hosted and
     will be used by the clients in the front end server.
     This is required only for the Front-end server. This is used when seperating BE server from FE server

    <!-- In-order to  get the registry http Port from the back-end when the default http transport is not the same-->

    For cApp deployment, we have to identify the roles that can be acted by the current server.
    The following property is used for that purpose. Any number of roles can be defined here.
    Regular expressions can be used in the role.
    Ex : <Role>.*</Role> means this server can act any role

    Number of items to be displayed on a management console page. This is used at the
    backend server for pagination of various items.

       Host name or IP address of the machine hosting this server
       e.g. www.wso2.org,
       This is will become part of the End Point Reference of the
       services deployed on this server instance.


     The URL of the index page. This is where the user will be redirected after signing in to the
     carbon server.

    <!-- HTTP and HTTPS ports when apache is fronted to a carbon server-->

       Ports used by this server
        <!-- The JMX Ports -->
            <!--The port RMI registry is exposed-->
            <!--The port RMI server should be exposed-->

    Axis2 related configurations
             Location of the Axis2 Services & Modules repository

             This can be a directory in the local file system, or a URL.

             1. /home/wso2wsas/repository/ - An absolute path
             2. repository - In this case, the path is relative to CARBON_HOME
             3. file:///home/wso2wsas/repository/
             4. http://wso2wsas/repository/

            Location of the main Axis2 configuration descriptor file, a.k.a. axis2.xml file

            This can be a file on the local file system, or a URL

            1. /home/repository/axis2.xml - An absolute path
            2. conf/axis2.xml - In this case, the path is relative to CARBON_HOME
            3. file:///home/carbon/repository/axis2.xml
            4. http://repository/conf/axis2.xml

          ServiceGroupContextIdleTime, which will be set in ConfigurationContex
          for multiple clients which are going to access the same ServiceGroupContext
          Default Value is 30 Sec.

          This repository location is used to crete the client side configuration
          context used by the server when calling admin services.
        <!-- This axis2 xml is used in createing the configuration context by the FE server
         calling to BE server -->

       The default user roles which will be created when the server
       is started up for the first time.
            <Description>Default Administrator Role</Description>
            <Description>Default User Role</Description>

      Security configurations
            KeyStore which will be used for encrypting/decrypting passwords
            and other sensitive information.
            <!-- Keystore file location-->
            <!-- Keystore type (JKS/PKCS12 etc.)-->
            <!-- Keystore password-->
            <!-- Private Key alias-->
            <!-- Private Key password-->

           The directory under which all other KeyStore files will be stored

       The temporary work directory

       House-keeping configuration

           true  - Start House-keeping thread on server startup
           false - Do not start House-keeping thread on server startup.
                   The user will run it manually as and when he wishes.

           The interval in *minutes*, between house-keeping runs

          The maximum time in *minutes*, temp files are allowed to live
          in the system. Files/directories which were modified more than
          "MaxTempFileLifetime" minutes ago will be removed by the
          house-keeping task

       Configuration for handling different types of file upload.

       To map all actions to a particular FileUploadExecutor, use


       Processors which process special HTTP GET requests such as ?wsdl, ?policy etc.

       In order to plug in a processor to handle a special request, simply add an entry to this

       The value of the Item element is the first parameter in the query string(e.g. ?wsdl)
       which needs special processing
       The value of the Class element is a class which implements

    Server intializing code, specified as implementation classes of org.wso2.carbon.core.ServerInitializer.
    This code will be run when the Carbon server is initialized
    Un-comment the following block to enable token based authenticator.
    The priority of the default authenticator is 5 - to supersede that, you need to have higher priority level.
    <!-- Authenticators>
	</Authenticators -->

    @deprecated Use the registry.xml file to configure the Registry.

    Indicates whether the Carbon Servlet is required by the system, and whether it should be

    Carbon H2 OSGI Configuration
    By default non of the servers start.
        name="web" - Start the web server with the H2 Console
        name="webPort" - The port (default: 8082)
        name="webAllowOthers" - Allow other computers to connect
        name="webSSL" - Use encrypted (HTTPS) connections
        name="tcp" - Start the TCP server
        name="tcpPort" - The port (default: 9092)
        name="tcpAllowOthers" - Allow other computers to connect
        name="tcpSSL" - Use encrypted (SSL) connections
        name="pg" - Start the PG server
        name="pgPort"  - The port (default: 5435)
        name="pgAllowOthers"  - Allow other computers to connect
        name="trace" - Print additional trace information; for all servers
        name="baseDir" - The base directory for H2 databases; for all servers  
        <property name="web" />
        <property name="webPort">8082</property>
        <property name="webAllowOthers" />
        <property name="webSSL" />
        <property name="tcp" />
        <property name="tcpPort">9092</property>
        <property name="tcpAllowOthers" />
        <property name="tcpSSL" />
        <property name="pg" />
        <property name="pgPort">5435</property>
        <property name="pgAllowOthers" />
        <property name="trace" />
        <property name="baseDir">${carbon.home}</property>
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