On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Sanjiva Weerawarana <sanj...@wso2.com>wrote:

> Hi Shameera,
> I assume you are talking about <foo>.stratosapps.com map to
> appserver.stratoslive.wso2.com/t/tenant.com/app13 right?

yes exactly but it should be <foo>.as.stratosapps.com  then we can identify
this is for the appserver

We also need to allow users to define their own name and not just have it at
> <foo>.stratosapps.com. Can you expand more on how this works and what
> exactly you are storing where?

let me do more classification about my task.
      When user  host a service in appserver in stratos we provide a short
handy end point <foo>.as.stratosapps.com with actual end points
appserver.stratoslive.wso2.com/t/tenant.com/app13, and foo can be any unique
name for the appserver it may be defined by user or an automaicaly generated
 name associate with the service name by the system

When an user hit <foo>.as.stratosapps.com it will redirect to the
then it will be forwarded to the
appserver.stratoslive.wso2.com/t/tenant.com/app13 inside  one of tomcat
valves which is written by me.

The most scalable place to store the data persistently is in Cassandra. For
> the runtime representation its better to use the distributed cache so that
> all nodes have the data handy when you need it on any node.
Yes, as i only need to add name value pair and map a name with a value,
Cassandra is one of the best solutions. Data storing things happens
 in org.wso2.carbon.urlMapper BE (which is  a new component that to
implement), when user hosting a service. Updating an existing table and all
mapping things happen inside this component

> Thanks,
> Sanjiva.
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 10:34 AM, Shameera Rathnayaka 
> <shame...@wso2.com>wrote:
>> Im implementing a feature to map a custom context to Stratos applications,
>>  which is when a user hosts a service in private cloud, we provide a better
>> user-friendly url to that service, based on the username and the service
>> name, without exposing the actual long url. At anytime user should be able
>> to call that service using that user-friendly url.
>> So far i have written a carbontomcatvalve to forward http servlet request
>> and response to the real service mapping user-friendly url with actual
>> url(which is known as service EndPoint) stored in a static HashTable,
>> I'm implementing this feature for WSAS and then it will be extended to all
>> other Stratos applications.
>> Now i want to store the real endpoints with the user-friendly url which is
>> needed to be mapped with the context in future and i want some help for
>> this. Where is the best place to do that ? Currently im going through
>> service-mgt component source code
>> *Best Regards
>> ~Shameera~*
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> Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
> Founder, Chairman & CEO; WSO2, Inc.;  http://wso2.com/
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> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
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