Hi folks.

I'm using the AS 4.1.0 and ESB 4.0.0. In AS I deploy a data service and apply the security scenario number one (UsernameToken). I created a proxy service in ESB without security, specifying that used the original WSDL exposed by the AS with the parameter "useOriginalwsdl" with value equals true. When I access the WSDL exposed by the ESB, I see that in the end of WSDL is displayed Security Policy ("UTOverTransport"), but in the bindings does not appear this line <wsp:PolicyReference URI="#UTOverTransport"/>, and if I use the ESB 3.0.1 with Application Server 4.1.0 if it appears in the bindings PersonaSOAP12Binding and PersonaSOAP11Binding.

If you have any idea about this issues.

Thanks & regards,

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