All the parent poms are supposed to be in the Maven repo, and we do not have
to build the 3.2.0 components, so why do we need to add relativePath. Aren't
you running an online build? Are also still building 3.2.0 stuff?

Sent from my phone
On Jul 1, 2011 9:39 AM, "Supun Malinga" <> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Please make sure you have added relative paths in the components,features,
> etc.
> Otherwise you can't build 3.2.1 patch-release pom in a clean repo.
> - How to do this,
> Lets take the system-statistics module. There packaging structure is as
> follows.
> components/system-statistics$ tree -L 3
> |-- org.wso2.carbon.statistics
> | |-- 3.2.0
> | | |-- pom.xml
> | | |-- src
> | | `-- target
> | `-- 3.2.1
> | |-- pom.xml
> | |-- src
> | `-- target
> |-- org.wso2.carbon.statistics.ui
> | `-- 3.2.0
> | |-- pom.xml
> | |-- src
> | `-- target
> |-- pom.xml
> So in the *
> components/system-statistics/org.wso2.carbon.statistics/3.2.1/pom.xml*,
> you need to add the relative paths for the parent pom which is the, *
> components/system-statistics/pom.xml.*
> It would be like,
> <parent>
> <groupId>org.wso2.carbon</groupId>
> <artifactId>system-statistics</artifactId>
> <version>3.2.0</version>
> <relativePath>../../pom.xml</relativePath>
> </parent>
> - How to test if this works
> 1. back up your existing .m2 repo (or clean the m2 repo) or
> remove/move components/system-statistics/pom.xml from the m2 repo.
> 2. goto *components/system-statistics/org.wso2.carbon.statistics/3.2.1/*
> 'mvn clean install'
> *Please verify all your components that was added into 3.2.1 release.*
> thanks n regards,
> --
> Supun Malinga,
> Software Engineer,
> WSO2 Inc.
> email - <>
> mobile - 071 56 91 321
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