Dear all,

The bootup validator component now can be configured with custom
Configuration Validators and Data Collectors as shown in the below sample
[1]. A Data collector basically retrieves system information using some
mechanism (OS independent library etc.) and the collected data can be used
for the validation process by Configuration Validators.

In HWDataCollector, system hardware related data such as CPU frequency,
physical memory are collected; For this I have used a 3rd party library
named JavaSysMon [2]. The initial attempt was to use SIGAR API, but it was
unsuccessful as I had issues with loading native libraries of it.
JavaSysMon seems to be a very good alternative for this requirement.

Last few days I was looking at ways of retrieving the number of open file
handles as per a requirement of the bootup validator component [3]. But
AFAIU listing open files is OS dependent and cannot be achieved through
regular Java APIs.
For example in Linux the command to list open files for a particular
process is: lsof -p <PID>
Does anybody have an idea of retrieving the number of open file handles in
Java? The only mechanism I can think of, at the moment is to use
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("the cmd to list open files"); But this doesn't
look like the smoothest solution for this, does anybody have a better idea?
Appreciate your views on this.


[1]Sample  config_recommendations.xml to configure bootup validator:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!--configuration bit values should be given in Mega bytes (1KB = 1024
bytes, 1MB = 1024 KB, 1GB = 1024 MB), CPU value in MHz-->
    <Validator class="org.wso2.carbon.core.bootup.validator.HWValidator">
        <Parameter name="cpu">800</Parameter>
        <Parameter name="ram">1024</Parameter>
    <Validator class="org.wso2.carbon.core.bootup.validator.JVMValidator">
        <Parameter name="heapMemory">512</Parameter>
        <Parameter name="nonHeapMemory">512</Parameter>
        <Parameter name="totalMemory">1024</Parameter>
        <Parameter name="freeMemory">512</Parameter>

    <!--Configuration Data Collectors to collect system-data for
configuration validators to validate-->



On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 11:05 AM, Dileepa Jayakody <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> As per the offline discussion had with Pradeep and Azeez few days back, I
> have implemented the bootup-validator component's framework to be
> extensible.
> The component can be extended with new bootup validation tests by adding
> new ConfigurationValidator classes with relevant parameters to validate; in
> the config_recommendations.xml (the newly introduced xml in repository/conf)
> A sample config_recommendations.xml:
> <Configuration>
>     <Validator class="org.wso2.carbon.core.bootup.validator.HWValidator">
>         <Parameter name="cpu">800</Parameter>
>         <Parameter name="ram">1000</Parameter>
>     </Validator>
>     <Validator class="org.wso2.carbon.core.bootup.validator.JVMValidator">
>         <Parameter name="heapMemory">6000</Parameter>
>         <Parameter name="nonHeapMemory">4000</Parameter>
>         <Parameter name="totalMemory">10000</Parameter>
>         <Parameter name="freeMemory">2000</Parameter>
>     </Validator>
> </Configuration>
> The system data collection can also be extended in the same manner.
> At the moment I'm having trouble with Sigar API to retrieve HW
> configuration data (CPU, RAM), will update the thread with progress.
> Thanks,
> Dileepa
> On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 1:01 PM, Pradeep Fernando <>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> are we going to allow users to implement their own bootup tests, using
>> somekind of extension mechanism. (we are providing all the gathered info,
>> they decide on what to do with those). Is it a overkill ?
>> are we doing any native calls within the carbon-env (Now). ?
>> thanks,
>> --Pradeep
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>> Carbon-dev mailing list
> --
> Dileepa Jayakody,
> Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
> Mobile : +94777-857616

Dileepa Jayakody,
Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
Lean . Enterprise . Middleware

Mobile : +94777-857616
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