Hi All,

As a part of the Human Task Implementation, we need to list the tasks for a
particular user. Currently we are listing the tasks as an item in Carbon UI
menu. In the review discussion it was decided we should create a Gadget out
of the task list and also display the task details.

What we thought of doing is to create a URL gadget[1] using the original
task listing page that we are using in the Carbon UI itself. We need to do
some changes for the pages to work outside the Carbon UI.

1. Authenticating the gadget user:

We need to authenticate the gadget user to display tasks. (i.e to filter
tasks applicable for the user etc.) For this purpose we include a simple
login screen. First we'll try to login with the cookie of the request from
the gadget, as it fails this login screen will be shown. Once the user
submits the username and the password, we'll use the
AuthenticationAdminStub's login(..) method to log in the user. The cookie
returned by the login method will be set to the response header of the
gadget, hence the subsequent requests would contain it (and they can be
authenticated against that particular cookie).

2. Styles and script locations.

The files to be displayed in the gadget would be suffixed with
-ajaxprocessor.jsp to skip the carbon menus being applied. Hence, we need
to provide styles and script location for these JSPs to render
independently inside the Gadget.

Your thoughts on this approach or any other alternative is appreciated.

[1] http://code.google.com/apis/gadgets/docs/fundamentals.html#URL


Sanjaya Vithanagama
WSO2, Inc.; http://wso2.com

cell: +94 71 342 2881
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