Carbon-Kernel > Carbon-Platform > #79 failed.
Code has been updated by denis.
19/5006 tests failed, no failures were new.


Failing Jobs
  - Default Job (Default Stage): 19 of 5006 tests failed.

Code Changes
denis (121415):

>Fixed some find-bug generated errors

Existing Test Failures (19)
   - DTPSampleTestCase: Distributed transaction success
   - DTPSampleTestCase: X a create single account
   - DTPSampleTestCase: X a create single account no streaming result
   - DTPSampleTestCase: Default values
   - GSTestServerManager: Start server
   - ISTestServerManager: Stop server
   - MSTestServerManager: Stop server
   - MashupAdminTestCase: Save mashup service source
   - EmailHostObjectTestCase: Email
   - FileHostObjectTestCase: File
   - HttpClientHostObjectTestCase: Search google
   - RequestHostObjectTestCase: Test remote ip
   - RequestHostObjectTestCase: Test invoked url
   - ScrapperHostObjectTestCase: Scrap
   - SessionHostObjectTestCase: Put value
   - SystemHostObjectTestCase: Log a string
   - SystemHostObjectTestCase: Include js file
   - SystemHostObjectTestCase: Wait some time
   - SystemHostObjectTestCase: Local host name

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