1. Get the build to work 100%. Build is still broken at platform and
product levels
     All efforts put in last December and this Jan seems to be in vain as
the builds are badly broken. The trunk got to build ALL time. This
structuring has taken a week and the week has gone by AFTER the
re-structure and all this time build has been in a broken state.
     I can feel the pain as I cannot build a new Jaggery pack due to this.
I am not sure how other 50+ folks working on code are dealing with this.

2. Get Sonar to point to new builds this new structure. See if we have to
re-structure Sonar
     Sonar system still shows 600+ critical and 13K Major issues. And we
need to fix them and to do that, we need Sonar to be reliable and stable
with the new structure.

3. Get Crucible to point to new structure. See  if we have to re-structure
    We need Crucible to reflect the latest code structure ASAP to move on
with code reviews.

It seems like we need another round of a Hackathon to fix all these. Given
the time it has taken to already and given the levels of problems, it is
worth an investment to get whichever number of people and fix all these


Samisa Abeysinghe
VP Engineering
WSO2 Inc.
Carbon-dev mailing list

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