
At friday there is a meeting with the German government in Berlin. I
just got the invitation.
For some reasons i was deleted from the care2x admin list. Also the
results of the Flensburg meeting are list until care2x.net is no more
available since several month. The care2x.net server is online the
whole time.
Anyways, is there anybody out, to represent care2x btw.
healthcare related Open Source software at this meeting in Berlin.
It can be important for future standardisation to send someone
official to this informal meetings.

"Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

hiermit möchte ich Sie einladen zur Besprechung am
Freitag, dem 03. September 2004, 11:00 bis 13:30 Uhr, in das BMWA Berlin,
Sitzungssaal 6.

Für die späte Übersendung der Einladung (Büroversehen) bitte ich um

Michael Leibrandt

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit
Referat VI B 1 - Grundsatzfragen der Informationsgesellschaft
Scharnhorststraße 36
D-10115 Berlin

Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour
Section VI B 1 - Information Society Policy
Scharnhorststrasse 36
D-10115 Berlin

Wilfried Goedert

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