Hi All developers,

There are some structured sites, where clients and developers can find each 
other. One of 
them is Scriptlane, which is a busy place. The provision to the site is only 5% 
compared to 
some others asking for 10-15% from developer fee. We could inform the tasks in 
channel and on that site we could put it officially for bidders. Go and see 
what you think about 
it. http://scriptlance.com/


> Hi Mauri, 
> this is a very good idea. I think it will work. Please keep us posted
> about the developments. 
> Thanks a lot. 
> Elpidio 
> On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 9:27 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     Hi Everybody,
>     Yesterday I looked for developers to our project and got a couple
>     of replies. We looked for onsite developers but we could work also
>     through internet in many tasks. When developer and client do not
>     know each other the trust may be a problem and I started to think
>     how this could be solved. Solution could be eBay like system..
>     If the work is publicly offered in this channel it can be verified
>     in online demo when it is finnished. The client will pay what was
>     aggreed after it is done (the payment amount need not to be
>     public). The reputation of developer and client are the only force
>     that will make them follow their oblications. The project can be
>     split in tasks and if the tasks are small enough the risk is not
>     too big to developer or client.
>     This kind of system might attract more developers and also clients
>     to use Care2x when they have a better way to get support in their
>     project. I have seen during the years we have worked in our
>     project that it is really difficult to find volunteers, but this
>     may be the way to energize the community. It could be like change
>     from amateur to professional in sports.
>     What do you think about my idea?
>     Mauri Niemi
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