Hi Lopo,

Humaneasy Consulting wrote:
> Hi Robert (and Marcel Arnold),
> Long time no talk :)
Then it must be done the first step. I haven't recognized that it had 
not comitted some time ago, my svn script hang. So we had to check in 
again yesterday. But's the same like the elc_tanzania branch we had 

> What are the diferences from Care2007 and Care2utu?
uh, good question. Care2utu is what we did for Tanzania. several 
implementations are there that it can be used as outpatient clinic 
version of the current care2x. Including a own billing system what will 
collect items what can be charged to an patient (because those countries 
are used to get the money before the service will given, that a drug 
must be paid before the patient will get it - as outpatient)

> I noticed that in the last one there are some file directories (like "Hydom
> scripts") that would be better somewhere in "include" or "classes" or
> "plugins" or "modules". On the first one there are also some directories
> that are on the web root and could be somewhere in a sub-directory, like
> "pharma" and "radiology". Is there a reason for those to be on the root
> level?

no - what we updated are the real developer version - and "Hydom 
Scripts" is e.g. what had been done for specific changes for one 
hospital at registartion. It's a real developer commit...

> Also -- and this may have being missed by me for quite some time -- what is
> the diference between "modules" and "plugins"? Are there seperated API for
> each case?
We implemented all as modules, plugins we haven't used.
> Not a criticism, just to understand how is organized the program structure
> without reading all the docs :)
No problem. This is the same version what had been former comitted from 
time to time at the tanzanian branch of care2x. Now we thought it wold 
be good to from it out as independend "kind" of care2x. So it is more 
and less orientated to countries outside EU or US. Like Tz..
Actually we kicked also all other languages out what we were not able to 


> Best and thanks,
> Lopo
> Date: Sun, 06 Jul 2008 12:40:52 +0200
> From: Robert Meggle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Care2002-developers] Demo site with latest changes
> To: care2002-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Check out that there is a difference between
> http://care2002.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/care2002/trunk/Care2007/
> and
> http://care2002.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/care2002/trunk/care2utu/
> Robert
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