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Thank you for your guide...I hope this contribute for the successful
installation of Care2x. Iìll send this one to the italian user.


. wrote:
| Gabriele Cicala wrote:
|> An italian user has tryed to install the care2x_d22_full.tar.gz on an
|> Ubuntu 7.10 but this was installed with PHP5 (actually the
|> 5.2.3-1ubuntu6.4 release). And Care2x is not PHP5 compliance.
|> On the official repository there are no trace of a PHP4 release.
|> Someone of you has had the same problem?
| Yes.
|> Or may be are there some repository that can permit to this user to
|> install the old PHP release?
| While waiting for the ever it-is-almost-done Care2x/PHP5, just try this
| from our mentor here at e-HealthExpert.org.
| It is not pretty, but it "just works".
| *How To Install Care2x (2.4_rc2) in Ubuntu Linux*
| Care2x  <http://www.care2x.org/> is a free Hospital Information System
| supporting software package.
| The following procedure describes How To install the Care2x software
| package in Ubuntu Linux (8.04 LTS)
| 1. Introduction
| Install Care2x in Ubuntu Gutsy (7.10) inside a chrooted Ubuntu Dapper
| (6.06) LAMP.
| In this article we will detail how we managed to install the Care2x
| <http://www.care2x.org/> Hospital Information System (HIS) supporting
| software package into a Ubuntu Gutsy (7.10) Linux system.
| In fact, in order to achieve very low hardware costs, easy system
| maintenance and administration and to make the system secure and user
| proof, we opted to use Clustered Ubuntu Gutsy (7.10) Servers to serve
| cheap Linux thin client terminals (one server for each set of 25
| terminals). These thin terminals, do not have more than a LCD screen, a
| box with a 1 GHZ CPU, 1 GB of RAM, the usual video, keyboard+mouse and
| USB ports (for pen disks) and a PXE capable RJ45 network port . We are
| using inexpensive gigabyte switches to keep these connected without any
| bandwidth issues.
| The software used to operate the thin client magic is the now reliable
| and finally acceptably fast-booting Ubuntu's supported Linux Terminal
| Server Project Version 5 (LTSP5).
| As LTSP5 really shines over Ubuntu Gutsy (7.10) Linux, that was the
| system that we used to install at our servers.
| The Care2x HIS supporting software is an integrated 3 layered web
| paradigm based software. That means that you may install over whatever
| hardware or operating system that supports Apache+PHP+DBMS (DBMS being
| at present MySQL or PostgreQL ). At the user side there is no need for
| any special hardware or software as user interaction with the Care2x
| software is made using a plain and simple Web Browser (we used Mozilla
| Foundation's Firefox <http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/>, but Care2x
| is known to work equally well with MS Internet Explorer or Apple's
| Safari). If the user has any previous experience at surfing the
| Internet, then he will be at home with Care2x.
| Sadly, currently Care2x has several problems running over the newest PHP
| and Apache versions that come bundled with most recent Linux
| distributions like Ubuntu Gutsy (7.10). We tested more than a few setups
| and for now this was what we found more reliable (*1) :
| • Apache 1.3.3x
| • PHP 4.4.4
| • Mysql 5.0.3x
| • PhpMyAdmin 2.9.1.x
| • Care2x 2.4_rc2      
| With that in mind we needed to choose a distribution able to support
| some of these vintage applications. We opted to install Care2x over
| Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS (Dapper Drake) for no other reasons than the main
| system was already an Ubuntu system, which is generally a robust and
| very well supported distribution, and, most important Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS
| will continue to be supported by Ubuntu <http://www.ubuntu.com/> until
| So, an Ubuntu Dapper (6.06.1) was installed inside a chroot container
| that we created inside the server's Ubuntu Gutsy (7.10) system.
| All these got along together very well and the systems are reliable
| running since their installation.
| (*1) 2007.02.11 Update: [EMAIL PROTECTED] reported that he
| managed to make Care2x 2.4_rc2 work with php 5.2.2
| Here's what he did:
| Edit file include/inc_environment_global.php:
| In line 82 change from:
|       ini_set('session.save_handler','user');
| to:   ini_set('session.save_handler','files');
| In line 102 change from:
|       include_once($root_path.'classes/adodb/session/adodb-session.php');
| to:   // include_once($root_path.'classes/adodb/session/adodb-session.php');
| All this assuming that you have enabled session in your php.ini.      
| Lets start the HOWTO procedure.
| 1. Install debootstrap & schroot
| We used debootstrap to install Ubuntu 6.06. so:
| • sudo aptitude install debootstrap
| We find it simpler to use Debian's schroot application to do all our
| chroot activities, so:
| • sudo aptitude install schroot
| Create the directory that will contain the chrooted system:
| • sudo mkdir -p /home/dapper
| Configure the chrooted environment
| • sudo gedit /etc/schroot/schroot.conf
| [dapper]
| type=plain
| #type=directory
| description=Ubuntu Dapper 6.06
| location=/home/dapper
| priority=3
| users=user_name1
| #root-users=user_name1
| groups=chroot
| root-groups=root
| 2. Install Ubuntu Dapper (6.06.1) in a chroot container inside Ubuntu
| Gutsy (7.10)
| Download an Ubuntu Dapper (6.06.1) Server .iso image, open a terminal and:
| • wget
| http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/6.06.1/ubuntu-6.06.1-server-i386.iso
| Burn it into a bootable CD using the nautilus integrated Cd burning
| application.
| Insert the CD just made in the CD reader and:
| • sudo debootstrap --arch i386 dapper /home/dapper
| Change some paramaters:
| • sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /home/dapper/etc/resolv.conf
| • sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /home/dapper/etc/apt/
| • sudo sed -i s/gutsy/dapper/g /home/dapper/etc/apt/sources.list #point
| apt-get to the right release
| • sudo mount -o bind /proc /home/dapper/proc
| • sudo cp /etc/passwd /home/dapper/etc/
| • sudo sed 's/\([^:]*\):[^:]*:/\1:*:/' /etc/shadow | sudo tee
| /home/dapper/etc/shadow
| • sudo cp /etc/group /home/dapper/etc/
| • sudo cp /etc/hosts /home/dapper/etc/ # avoid sudo warnings when it
| tries to resolve the chroot's hostname
| • sudo cp /etc/sudoers /home/dapper/etc/
| • sudo mkdir -p /home/dapper/media/cdrom0 # only if you plan to use the
| cdrom from the chrooted Ubuntu
| At the end of this procedure you will be needing to know who is
| installing the system, so write the result of the following command in a
| piece of paper:
| • whoami
| Now lets enter the chroot container:
| • sudo chroot /home/dapper /bin/bash # Or, better yet, use: schroot -c
| dapper
| Inside the chrooted container execute:
| • dpkg-reconfigure passwd
| • passwd <your first ubuntu user in the admin group> # usually this is
| the administrator of the chrooted system
| • apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
| Install the relevant locales to your country (here we used the USA and
| locales):
| • apt-get install locales # prepare to install your locales
| • locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 # change to your locale
| • apt-get install language-pack-en language-pack-pt # if you need the
| full native language packs, change pt to your locale
| Change the chrooted system time zone:
| • tzselect
| echo "TZ='Europe/Paris'; export TZ" >>~/.profile #Configure and use our
| local time instead of UTC
| echo chrooted > etc/debian_chroot # this is cosmetic: precede chroot
| command prompt by the word chrooted
| exit # exit the chroot system
| 3. Install a LAMP (Linux-Apache-Mysql-Php) System
| ATENTION: The following commands should be done while INSIDE THE CHROOT
| environment
| Install the Apache, Mysql and Php:
| • apt-get install apache
| • apt-get install php4 libapache-mod-php4 php4-gd php4-mcrypt php4-imap
| php4-mcal
| • apt-get install php4-mysql mysql-server
| • apt-get install phpmyadmin
| NOTE: curent Care2x seems to need the following php modules: GD, IMAP,
| Calendar, TTF
| Uninstall any residual Apache2 libraries:
| • dpkg -r libapache2-mod*
| The next one was tricky to find. It is needed to enable MySQL's php4
| • apt-get remove --purge apache2-common
| If, for any reason, you need to uninstall this LAMP system, uninstall it
| with:
| • rm -rf /etc/apache* /var/log/apache2 /var/lock/apache2
| /etc/default/apache2
| • apt-get remove --purge apache mysql* php* libapache* phpmyadmin
| Change Apache and PHP config files:
| • sed -i "s/DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.shtml index.cgi
| index.php/DirectoryIndex index\.php index\.html index\.htm index\.shtml
| index\.cgi/g" /etc/apache/httpd.conf
| • sed -i "s/#AddType application\/x-httpd-php \.php/AddType
| application\/x-httpd-php \.php/g" /etc/apache/httpd.conf
| • sed -i "s/#AddType application\/x-httpd-php-source \.phps/AddType
| application\/x-httpd-php-source \.phps/g" /etc/apache/httpd.conf
| Check if the mysql.so module needs to be enabled.
| • grep mysql.so /etc/php4/apache/php.ini
| If grep only finds a commented entry like ;extension=mysql.so execute:
| • sed -i "s/;extension=mysql\.so/extension=mysql\.so/g"
| /etc/php4/apache/php.ini
| Check if the gd.so module needs to be enabled.
| • grep gd.so /etc/php4/apache/php.ini
| If grep only finds a commented entry like ;extension=gd.so execute:
| • sed -i "s/;extension=gd\.so/extension=gd\.so/g" /etc/php4/apache/php.ini
| Now lets restart the system:
| /etc/init.d/mysql restart && /etc/init.d/apache restart
| Latter, when all else will be running smoothly you will be able to
| reboot the chrooted LAMP system with:
| • schroot -c dapper sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart && schroot -c dapper
| sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart
| Or , you may arrange to run the following shell script as a service
| started each time the main server (the one that has Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10
| and the LTSP5 system) is (re)booted.
| #!/bin/bash
| echo rebooting LAMP system
| schroot -c dapper sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart && schroot -c dapper
| sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart
| sleep 10
| To do a quick check if all went well, while still inside the chroot,
| execute:
| • bash -c 'echo -e "<?php\nphpinfo();\n?>" > /var/www/phpinfo.php'
| Point your browser to: <http://localhost/phpinfo.php>
| Check if you get the php settings page and if the relevant modules are
| being loaded. Do not miss MySQL.
| Add user that you found before with the "whoami" command.
| adduser user_name_in_ubuntu #
| 4. Install Care2x
| • sudo mkdir -p -m 1777 /home/dapper/var/www/care
| • sudo tar xvzf care2x_2.4_rc2.tar.gz -C /home/dapper/var/www/care
| • sudo chroot /home/dapper /bin/bash # enter chroot
| • start a browser and browse to:
|       • choose admin name and password
|       • the path to care should be: localhost/care
|       • say NO at the prompt to install any ICD10 database
| ATTENTION: If you get an error about not being able to rename the file
| "install.php". Just open a console and execute: mv
| /var/www/care/installer/install.php
| • Start Care2x by browsing to: http://localhost/care/
| • To install the ICD databases start phpmyadmin:
| http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
|       • go on the Care2x db, select the table ICD10_xx (substitute xx by the
| code more appropriate to your country) and manually import the csv file
| ICD_10_xx.csv. You'll find the .csv at: <care2x_dir>/installer/db/icd10/
| • To change the MySql root password, execute from a Linux terminal:
|       • mysql -u root
|               • UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('newpwd') WHERE 
|               • FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
|               • EXIT;
| • See help on changing MySql permissions at:
| <http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/resetting-permissions.html>
| 5. Various
| ATENTION: This should be done while OUTSIDE the chroot environment
| • vi /etc/fstab
|       • /proc /home/dapper/proc none bind 0 0 # Can just be mounted, comments?
|       • /dev /home/dapper/dev none bind 0 0 # Good thing todo, but not secure.
|       • /sys /home/dapper/sys none bind 0 0 # Same as proc?
|       • /tmp /home/dapper/tmp none bind 0 0 # This opens a lot of doors,
| namly X sockets are here... DRI should work assuming bits match.
|       • /home /home/dapper/home none bind 0 0 # This is (very) optional.
|       • /media /home/dapper/media none bind 0 0 # Your USB Pen Drive.
|       • /lib/modules /home/dapper/lib/modules none bind 0 0 # If needing to
| load modules (binfmt_misc).
|       • /var/run/dbus/ /home/dapper/var/run/dbus/ none bind 0 0 # Gnome likes
| this (?).
|       • /media/cdrom0 /home/dapper/media/cdrom none bind 0 0 # optional
|       • proc-chroot /home/dapper/proc proc defaults 0 0
|       • devpts-chroot /home/dapper/dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0
| • sudo mount -a # remount all those entries
| References: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's
| Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK & win great
| Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the
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| Care2002-developers mailing list
| Care2002-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
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- --
Cicala Gabriele:

Linux user #337703
Cell. 3392975485
Web: www.gabcicala.it/
GPG key ID 0x63C1C5F5
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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