Hi Robert,

What is the purpose of the "status" field being "normal" for certain values 
in the table: care_config_global ?

In the code for saving to theinsurance table, the check is that if the 
insurance number is non empty and the insurance company is non epty only 
then will the insurance data be entered, else only the person data is 
entered. Now that the insurance class number field has come in, should all 
of that be re-coded to insist on a class being chosen if an insurance number 
is entered?


> Hi,
> just one note on 6779, there was one value missing in
> care_config_global. Can be added by:
> INSERT INTO care_config_global VALUES ('person_insurance_1_nr_hide',
> '1', NULL, '', '', '', 00000000000000, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00');
> Robert

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