Am Dienstag, den 21.09.2010, 20:55 +0300 schrieb Frank Tilugulilwa:
> On Tue, 2010-09-21 at 19:37 +0200, Robert Meggle wrote:
> > Did you know that there is an existing Swahili language pack in it?
> Infact this is one of things that amazed me today, i same my Swahili
> language working. Might still need fine tuning but its ok to start with

Years ago it was one from UCC in Dar who did that job, I forget his
name. Sorry. I do have still contact from time to time of old UCC
members who are working now in other places. I will ask when I see them
online, okay?

> > Might it be possible that you could check if that is correct when it is
> > selected?
> It is correct if i understand you question.

Perfect, thanks!

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