1. What is the purpose of the table: care_role_person ?

2. Fresh Install of SVN 6830:
Create a superuser with Medical Consultant Role (all areas) and assign all 
Login as this superuser.

Each Scenario is done from this point (truncare care_person, 
care_person_insurance tables before each test)

Scenario 1:
Patient -> Registration -> New Person
Pix+Insurance okay
Gets saved correctly (Record A)
Special tools -> Personell -> New Person
(Pix and Ins do not save correctly - so omit)
Data is saved correctly (Record B)
***** Error: Data is shown wrongly as Record A
Subsequently when viewing the list of persons, it is shown correctly and can 
have Pix and Insurance updated correctly.

Scenario 2:
Special tools -> Personell -> New Person
Pix+Insurance okay
Gets saved correctly (Record A)
Patient -> Registration -> New Person
(Do not try Pix and Insurance now)
Gets saved (Record B)
***** Error: Data is shown wrongly as Record A
***** Duplicate Person for 10000000 and Record A is listed

It appears that in each instance of checking for a dplicate or for an 
existance of a person record,
the status of being a patient or a personell is being checked as well.
When registering a person, we should not have two different means of doing 

There is only one positive workaround till it is fully settled:
One initial record for a personell person and a patient person should exist 
in the default install.


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