Hi Robert,

When I returned to the mailing list, I found that there was a fix to the 
dicom viewer that did not work and no further development and so I wanted to 
know it's fate. All commits since happen to be in the gettext version
By all means contribute to the project when you are free. No one is 
subsidised by anyone. We choose to deploy our free time in what interests 
us. Europe has dole, India and Singapore do not.  I will be travelling from 
later next week and wanted to wrap up this version into a final OpenVZ 
template till I can continue later next month.

Is the gettext version useable as yet?


> Hi Muthu,
> no, had not stopped. But I have also the need to work on some projects
> here what makes possible to survive. Sooner or later I do hope we get
> some funds that we can work continuously on that project. Sorry that I
> would be more and less just looking to the project this week and will
> find to continue next week.
> Well, that is the price to pay when you work on open source. Maybe you
> have to wait till there is time to continue or you have donation budget
> where your live is somehow guaranteed. Here it is not the case.
> Hopefully soon.
> I have not looked to the jar containers so far.
> Robert
> Am Mittwoch, den 06.10.2010, 17:52 +0530 schrieb Ap.Muthu:
>> The SVN 6834 tar file can be downloaded from:
>> http://care2002.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/care2002/care2x/trunk/?view=tar
>> The modules/radiology/dicomviewer is broken still.
>> The JAR file seems to be compiled with a different path.
>> By distributing copies of dicom.dic in various folders, it doesn't solve 
>> the
>> problem.
>> The file is addressed as Dicom.dic in the php file:
>> modules/radiology/dicom_launch_single.php
>> Lines 84-85 seem to have the "/care2x/" folder hardcoded!
>> Has work on the trunk stopped?
>> Regards,
>> Ap.Muthu

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