On Wed, 29 Dec 2010 11:32:42 +0300, Robert Meggle  
<robert.meg...@care2x.org> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Thanks all for that fantastic year! I do hope that you all enjoyed it.
> Thanks to the main developers and the very dedicated partners and
> supporter for this project.
> Well, it is a great year what we have now. We have fixed up the main
> trunk and released it. That was one of the biggest milestones and now we
> are working even on a new release. Maybe you recognized that Gjergj did
> again bigger commits on the "gettext" branch, it is a bit more than a
> research he mostly did. Most of the modules are reorganized and becoming
> more and more a real modular aspect. This will be the next step, our
> challenge of the Year 2011. Care2x will be more flexible, more scalable
> and much more easy to
> - run the program for any purpose,
> - study how the program works, and change it to make it do what you
> wish,
> - redistribute copies so you can help your neighbour and
> - improve the program, and release your improvements (and modified
> versions in general) to the public, so that the whole community
> benefits.
> So care2x the once and only real Free and Open Source Hospital
> Information System all around the world.
> Thanks also to all who helped us to get a fancy new project website. I
> do hope that you all feel well that I can't name all by name - there are
> so many people around this planet who supporting this project by ideas,
> suggestions and even manpower. It is nearly impossible to name all. But
> who is reading this mailing lists knows all the name.
> A much better speaker than me said once in his New Year speech:
> "May your best days of the previous year are the worst of the next
> year"
> I will let these words here as it is, I can't say it better.
> My best wishes to you all and thanks to be a part of you all.
>  Robert

Thanks Robert
May the wish apply to u too

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