
On 25 September 2011 09:43,  <an...@e-healthexpert.org> wrote:
> 1. The single most pragmatic and useful initiative in the Care2x
> project continues to be care2x_tz (I am sure that that's what has been
> keeping Care2x alive)

I am not sure whether you intend this as a compliment or a criticism,
but as someone who has worked in a number of hospitals trying to
implement care2x_tz I have a few comments. Firstly I agree that it has
probably been the branch that has been most used, at least on the info
that seems publicly available. However it does have many limitations,
and a number of the hospitals who have tried to use it have failed.
One of the reasons for this is that actually the care2x_tz project has
fractured into many different branches. To my mind this is to do with
a lack of what you call 'command and control'. Robert has done an
amazing job in trying to bring these disparate branches together, but
I honestly believe that the best thing to do with care2x_tz is to
scrap it, and restart the project from this latest code base.

> 2. The wild goose chase of the last couple of years has been: PHP6, a
> phone interface, GUI reshaping. Like all the other previous wild goose
> chases in the Care2x project, this one did not and will not bring any
> new interest and people to the Care2x project.

Well I don't think the care2x developers can be blamed for the demise
of the PHP6 project. I too have my doubts about the usefulness of the
phone interface, but I'm not sure I would call it a wild goose chase,
just an interesting initiative that may or may not come up with
something useful. As for the gui, if you have ever used the current
one you will surely agree it could be improved :-)

> 3. There is a strong urge to "command and control" the project which,
> as everybody knows, is very difficult in any software project and
> totally impossible in an Open Source Software project.
> The page 9 of this paper is totally surrealistic corollary of this new
> round.

Well after many years in open source, I believe that those projects
which have a strong central command are best placed to survive. Look
at most of the successful projects they have this strong centre.

> 4. What Care2x really needs is a radical reduction in complexity,
> including:
>  a) stop trying to be all things to all people
>  b) use a single platform for development and develop code to a single
>  platform: there were times when it was very difficult to
>  understand if a given bug was related to the code, to the needed
>  supporting software or to the emulator platform used to try to run
>  all this in a different OS

Either I don't understand you or this paragraph is nonsense. What
emulator platform are we talking about?

>  c) use a single widely available platform (price free and open
>  source): with single, specific, OS flavor, DBMS, Web server, Web
>  interface. Everybody must be using the same platform and living the
>  same day-to-day problems, to be able to quickly see what is
>  related to the Care2x code and what is due to idiosyncrasies of
>  the platform;

As above.

>  d) reduce the number of tables needed to make Care2x run to half of
>  what they are now;

I agree, but have you checked out the latest code?

>  e) modularize code. If the code logic blocs are really modularized
>  (into closed black boxes), anybody will be able to quickly code and
>  put into place an alternative bloc without breaking the rest of the
>  system;

This is exactly what Robert and Gjergj have been doing with this 3.0
code. Did you not look at it first before sending this email?

>  f) do not attempt to "command and control" putative developers. Do
>  not attempt to force project's roadmap, just to be able to convert
>  it into a quick cash cow. In the case of the Care2x project people
>  just keep arriving and leaving without seeing that illusive cow;

I don't think (though Robert may correct me) that there is any
intention to prevent developers from working on the core, its just
that as with most projects, having commit access to the core will be
restricted to those who have proved their ability first.

> Somewhere in the paper it is written: "Build a standardized process and
> business outcomes"
> Beware of the fact that standardization and innovation are opposite
> variables.

Hmmm, I am not sure that this is correct, what is your basis for this?

> Since Elpidio's first code releases we have had more and more
> standardization and less and less innovation and creativity... and it
> has not been the best thing regarding the project health and wealth.
> Regards,
> JA


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