> Hi Israel,
> Thanks a lot . We installed care2x-TZ, but it requires rectifying few
>  errors
> 1. I wish to know whether web erp is integrated already in care2x-tz

> available in launchpad or not. If weberp is not integrated, can you please
> inform me what are the steps to follow?
> 2. In system Admin Menu> ETL , we need to add the host details, what
> host/user/DB/password/db type details we need to enter in Quell and Ziel
> regions?
> 3.The stock module is not working. How to make it working?
> It throws an error Access denied for 'root'@'localhost' (using
> Please inform the steps we need to follow
> 4. laboratories menu for TZ is not working.  It throws an error object not
> found. Please inform  the steps we need to follow?
> 5. For Appointment, Admissions- When we enter the data and click save, the
> saved data is not showing. i.e. data is not saved
> 6.Video surveillance plugins are absent. How to add that?
> 7.I could able to open Manage Insurance companies not saving the data.
> Other features of insurance management not working. How to make it
> Can you please help me in the above?
> Thanks
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