I've just started working with caret and really think it's a great
package. The tutorials have also been very useful in understanding the
interface and dialogs. That said, I've been able to segment left and
right lobes without any problems, but can not figure out how to map fMRI
data to a caret generated (version 5.5.) surface. 

A search of the archives produced:

but both seem out of date with caret 5.5 - The "map volumes to surfaces"
dialog doesn't look like the ones I'd found.  I'm also unclear about how
to generate a metric file from the raw bold file. I'm using FSL rather
than AFNI or SPM to generate tmaps, so I'm not sure what needs to be
done to get the bold image into the appropriate caret space.  I'd really
appreciate any help you can give me in understanding how I go from a raw
bold image to mapping that and/or zmaps onto a care-generated surface. 


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