
It is not unusual for a segmentation's error correction staget to take  
one hour.  The time required by error correction depends upon the  
quality of the initial segmentation; the more errors, the longer error  
correction requires.

Twenty hours is much longer that I would expect.  caret5_mesa should  
only be used to help determine if there are problems with the linux  
computer's Open GL libraries and graphics card drivers.

If the surfaces generated are of good quality you are using caret  
correctly.  If the gray/white peaks were incorrect or if removal of  
non-cortical structures failed, that could cause excessive error  

Very little of caret is multi-threaded so using 100% of one core is  

John Harwell

On Jul 21, 2009, at 4:59 AM, wrote:

> Hi,
> I am experiencing some long waiting times while running segmentation
> on a pre-packaged Caret 5.61. Today it amounted to 1 h (when ran
> caret5), the other day to 20 h (when ran caret5_mesa). It is
> especially the Auto Error Correction stage that takes long to compute.
> Apparently, the same dataset on a Mac takes approx. 20-30 min to be
> processed.
> The machine is x86_64 GNU/Linux Ubuntu running 2.6.28-14-generic
> #46-Ubuntu SMP kernel. CPU is Intel Xeon X5355 (quad core, @2.66 GHz
> each, ca. 5300 BogoMIPS each; model 15, stepping 7). 4 GB RAM, 12 GB
> swap.
> top reveals that caret5 is grinding only one of the cores (@100%),
> however, I am given to understand that this is only to be expected
> ("User's Manual and Tutorial").
> As I was only introduced to Caret a few days ago, my first suspicion
> is that I have been making some silly mistakes. Are there any obvious
> and not-so-obvious things to check that would explain such long
> computation time?
> With kind regards,
> Marek Ludwikow
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