
Caret does not have the functionality you desire.

As you indicate, iterate over the voxels and find the node nearest to the 
voxel.  Note that both voxels inside and outside will have positive signs.  If 
you have a segmentation volume, you could use it to identify  voxels inside or 
outside of the surface and adjust the sign of the depth.  A more sophisticated 
method would be to find the triangle (instead of the node) nearest the voxel.

You may find these files helpful:

* caret_source/caret_brain_set/BrainModelSurfacePointLocator.cxx/h
* caret_source/caret_brain_set/BrainModelSurfacePointProjector.cxx/h

Good luck,

John Harwell

On Feb 4, 2010, at 8:19 PM, Baylis Shanks wrote:

> Hello, I'm trying to produce a functional volume file where the intensity of 
> each voxel in the brain represents the depth of that voxel from a given 
> surface. The inputs would be a volume anatomy file and a corresponding 
> surface file.
> In case that is unclear, the desired function would need to iterate over each 
> voxel in the brain (according to the volume anatomy file), and, for each of 
> these, find the depth of that voxel from the surface, and record that depth 
> in the output functional volume file.
> Is there already a way to do this or to almost do this in Caret? If not, I am 
> planning to extend caret_command in C++ to add this functionality.
> thanks,
>   bayle
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