Salut Aldo et les autres,

Insert+s pour activer/désactiver la voix dans Orca, sans incidence sur la sortie

Incidemment; Joanie vient de sortir orca-46.alpha et dans les notes de 

elle a écrit:

* The much-requested "sleep mode" has arrived! You can cause Orca to
  act as if it were not running on an as-needed, per-app basis with
  Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Q. This makes it much easier to use VMs in which
  another screen reader is being used as well as self-voicing apps.
  Orca should remember what apps are currently in sleep mode so it is
  only necessary to enable it once per app in a given session. Note
  that Orca does not currently store the setting permanently. This is
  intentional, and is the same behavior as NVDA, but an option may be
  created in the future to permanently store the setting.

Je vais inclure orca-46.alpha dans Slint, mais seulement pour ceux qui veulent
tester. Je ne compte pas sur a participation de Philippe aux tests :)


Le 1/18/24 à 17:16, Aldo a écrit :
> Hello le groupe,
> j'utilise principalement les consoles mais voudrais pouvoir utiliser Firefox
> en le lançant depuis un terminal, sans la voix intempestive d'Orca: comment
> le faire taire, en gardant uniquement le braille ?
> Aldo. 

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