Leaving this here in case it helps. If I am incorrect, let me know.

I could not get a 1:* mapping of ldap attributes to work in CAS 5.0.1. I 
have an internal identifier 'uid' in ldap that needs to be released as both 
'uid' and 'UDC_IDENTIFIER'. I am only able to get cas to release 1:1, the 
last one mapped in cas.properties. To solve I overrode 
templates/protocol/3.0/casServiceValidationSuccess.html to statically 
output a duplicate attribute with tag name replaced when UDC_IDENTIFIER is 

        <cas:attributes th:if="${not #lists.isEmpty(formattedAttributes)}">
            <div th:each="attr : ${formattedAttributes}" th:remove="tag">
                <div th:utext="${attr}" th:remove="tag"/>

        <cas:attributes th:if="${not #lists.isEmpty(formattedAttributes)}">
            <div th:each="attr : ${formattedAttributes}" th:remove="tag">
                <div th:utext="${attr}" th:remove="tag"/>
                <div th:if="${#strings.contains(attr, 'UDC_IDENTIFIER')}" 
                    <span th:utext="${#strings.contains(attr, 
'UDC_IDENTIFIER')} ? ${#strings.replace(attr, 'UDC_IDENTIFIER', 'uid')} : 
${attr}" th:remove="tag"/>

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