---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Elizabeth Maass <elizabeth.t.ma...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 6:01 PM
Subject: Fwd: 40th Reunion Community Service Project overview
To: John Bruestle <j...@retechnologies.com>
Cc: Paul Laud <pl...@shelburneassociates.com>, Chuck Hector <ch...@rsinj.com

OK. We need to figure out how to incorporate this into the website. It's
too long as is for inclusion in the registration form. I think we want to
put it on the general info page and include just a short summary in the
form itself, perhaps with a link. We can also ask for classmates to
indicate if they think they'll participate and, if so, how.

John, what's the best way to do this? If you show me how to edit content on
the website I can see what I can do.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: customercraft <customercr...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 6:37 PM
Subject: 40th Reunion Community Service Project overview
To: "Elizabeth Maass. Class of 1978" <elizabeth.t.ma...@gmail.com>, gwen
feder <g_fe...@yahoo.com>

Hi Liz & Gwen:

David & I wrote a Community Service overview (below) that accomplishes the

   1. General overview to inform
   2. Details for dates/places to encourage participation
   3. Thoughts to inspire participation
   4. Ask to commit to participation

We were unsure what you specifically wanted to include, but hopefully this
will accomplish what you wanted. If not, please tell us how we can improve

Thanks, David & Henry

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

*Community Service Project*

*Class of 1978    40th Reunion*

For our upcoming 40th Reunion, the Class of 1978 is taking a new approach
to our Community Service Project. We are creating a Community Service
opportunity that every 1978 classmate attending Reunions can participate in.

Your participation is valuable to both you and us. We want your
participation to fit your schedule and we have many ways for you to

We have connected our Community Service Project with the Classes of 1983,
2003, & 2008 so we can offer you many Community Service opportunities to
choose from.

1.      *Thursday, May 31, 2018:*

*Building Project*:  We will be in Newark, New Jersey all day Thursday for
any classmate in the New York metropolitan area who wants to use mass
transit or car to participate in a Newark building  project. One option
will be working at YouthBuild Newark where we will work alongside  young
adults building affordable housing in their own neighborhoods while earning
their high school equivalency.  Other projects being planned involve
Hetrick-Martin NJ and the AIDS Resource Foundation for Children/St. Clare’s

This opportunity will be an amazing way to get to know  people who left
high school without a diploma but are striving to rebuild their lives and

*2.     **Friday, June 1, 2018:*

*Food for Families:  *We will be on Princeton University campus all day on
Friday for any classmate who arrives at Reunions on June 1st and wants to
participate in a work project where we will be assembling meals to late be
distributed to local and national families in need.

This is a great opportunity to give 2 – 3 hours of your time to help others
while working shoulder to shoulder with other Princeton alumni from
different classes in the nation’s service.

*3.     **Friday, June 1, 2018:*

*Donations of Household Goods: *We will be on Princeton campus all day
accepting donations of household items that you would like to donate to
help young adults in need receive basic items to support their daily lives
and current living situation.

 This is an easy opportunity for you to help make a difference in the lives
of others by sharing your household items that will be greatly appreciated
by others in need.

*4.     **Friday, June 1, 2018:*

*Alumni Forum: *We will be participating in an Alumni Forum on Princeton
campus to share our Community Service experience with other Princetonians
as we show how we designed, developed, planned, communicated, and
participated in bringing four separate Princeton alumni classes together in
search of a more connected and rewarding Community Service project that
inspires all Reunion classmates to find the best Community Service
opportunity for their participation.

*5.     **January – May, 2018:*

*Serve in Your Community: *We will be developing ‘mini’ Community Service
projects in cities and towns across the country to identify local people in
need of Princeton’s service to others.

These ‘mini’ Community Service projects might be in a location close to you
during the first months of 2018 and will provide you an opportunity to help
and serve others close to your home or office.

*We need your help, please:*

The Class of 1978 Community Service Project wants and needs your
participation. This new and easy way for you to help others less fortunate
will include four Princeton classes joining together to make a difference
in the lives of people who need our help and will appreciate your time and
effort to help.

*When we see our hands doing the work of our heart, expect a miracle!*

Please find the best and right Community Service opportunity for you listed
above and sign-up to help us make a difference before, during, and after
our 40th Reunion.


Liz Maass

John Bruestle
(609) 737-7250

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