On the issue of using a hostname, I need it to retrieve a user from the 
database - the user is searched using his name and an additional parameter 
that I can specify using the hostname.

As for your suggestions, they are also useful. This is the next step I am 
going to take, namely:
I would like to users from the specified domain to be properly redirected.
If the user comes from https://localhost:8445/casclient2/ then let him show 
standard cas login page with appropriate handler:

  "@class" : "org.apereo.cas.services.RegexRegisteredService",
  "serviceId" : "https://localhost:8445/casclient2/";,
  "name" : "JDBC",
  "id" : 1003,
  "description" : "Sample 1",
  "evaluationOrder" : 51,
  "requiredHandlers" : [ "java.util.HashSet", [ 
"QueryAndEncodeDatabaseAuthenticationHandler" ] ]
- here's no problem everything works

However if the user comes from https://localhost:8445/casclient2/ then I 
would like to have authenticated using SAML and external Idp - delegated 
authentication.I have tested it using the automatically generated button - 
in the second case I would like the users not even see the form from cas. 

W dniu piątek, 24 listopada 2017 11:29:27 UTC+1 użytkownik Andy Ng napisał:
> I also don't know a way to retrive the hostname. However I would like to 
> know what is your use case for the hostname
> If, for example, you have 3 hosts that need 3 different customized 
> authentication
> 1) https://i-only-use-saml.example.com
> 2) https://i-only-use-oauth.example.com
> 3) https://i-only-use-usernamepassword.example.com
> Then you can just registered the above three services, and use the 
> "requiredHandler" param to redirect the three use case to a specific 
> authentication handler. 
> https://apereo.github.io/cas/development/installation/Service-Management.html 
> (if you are planning to use CAS 5.2.0) 
> However, if you need to do much more with the hostname, that service 
> management cannot help with your use case, then I might not be able to help 
> you... Maybe you need to read the source code to see how it can be retrived.
> - Andy
> On Thursday, 23 November 2017 22:41:23 UTC+8, snaffy wrote:
>> I would like to know how I can retrieve the encoded address of the 
>> service parameter on the authentication step on the CAS serve side.
>> More precisely I have created CustomAuthenticationHandler and at this 
>> stage, I need to know from what domain the authentication request came 
>> from. For example from this address 
>> https://localhost:8445/cas/login?service=https%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8445%2Fcasclient%2F
>> I need to extract "localhost"
>> public class CustomAuthenticationHandler implements AuthenticationHandler 
>> {
>>     protected PrincipalFactory principalFactory = new 
>> DefaultPrincipalFactory();
>>     @Autowired
>>     PropertiesConfiguration propertiesConfiguration;
>>     private transient Logger logger = 
>> LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
>>     @Override
>>     public HandlerResult authenticate(Credential credential) throws 
>> GeneralSecurityException, PreventedException {
>>         UsernamePasswordCredential usernamePasswordCredential = 
>> (UsernamePasswordCredential) credential;
>>        // Here I would like to have access to the encoded address
>>    }
>> Thanks in advance for help. 

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