I do not really understand how it could help me.
Both domains through apache2 proxy configuration point to the same 
application - WebApp (specifically, they refer to the appropriate glassfish 
virtual servers and the application uses them). The problem is that 
serverName is a parameter related to the application (cas client) and I can 
not set it dynamically depending on what domain the user is using. 

If the cas client (WebApp) configuration looks like:
<bean id="casAuthenticationFilter" 
        <property name="casServerLoginUrl" 
        <property name="serverName" value="https://test1.domain.com"/>

then, going to the application using the test1.domain.com domain, the 
service parameter will look like this:
Going to the application using the test2.domain.com domain, the service 
parameter will look like the following:
- the same template will always be loaded.

I can also directly specify the address of the service parameter

<bean id="casAuthenticationFilter" 
<property name="casServerLoginUrl" value="${cas.server.ip}/cas/login" />
<property name="serverName" value="test1.domain.co" />
<property name="service" value="https://test2.domain.com/casclient"; />
-- > 

So my problem comes down to questions how to determine the service 
parameter in a dynamic way? Depending on the domain that the user went 

W dniu czwartek, 7 grudnia 2017 18:38:52 UTC+1 użytkownik rbon napisał:
> You can set the serverName parameter to the value you need 
> test1.domain.com instead of localhost.
> This you should be able to do in the glassfish server (in tomcat do this 
> in $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/setenv.sh).
> CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Dcas.service.host=test1.domain.com"
> If test1 and test2 are serving the same content (apache as load balancer), 
> then set serverName to the name of the apache server (and configure apache 
> as a load balancer instead of two separate virtual hosts).
> Ray
> On Thu, 2017-12-07 at 05:04 -0800, snaffy wrote:
> How to load different views based on the domains if the client application 
> is behind the apache2 proxy. Going to details - CAS client configuration 
> requires "serverName" parameter.
> "The name of the server this application is hosted on. Service URL will be 
> dynamically constructed using this, i.e. https://localhost:8443 (you must 
> include the protocol, but port is optional if it's a standard port)."). 
> Based on it and the relevant service registers, CAS can decide which 
> template to load.
> However, my problem comes down to the question of how to load the right 
> view when I am using apache2 and virtual glassfish servers. 
> <VirtualHost *:433>
>     ServerName test1.domain.com
>     ProxyPass /WebApp http://test1.domain.com:8081/WebApp
>     ProxyPassReverse /WebApp http://test1.domain.com:8081/WebApp
>     ProxyPass / http://test1.domain.com:8081/WebApp
>     ProxyPassReverse / http://test1.domain.com:8081/WebApp
>     ProxyPreserveHost On
>     ProxyTimeout 1500
>     SetEnv           force-proxy-request-1.0 1
>     SetEnv           proxy-nokeepalive       1
>     SetEnv proxy-initial-not-pooled 1
>     RewriteEngine On
>     RewriteCond /var/www/maintenance.html -f
>     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/maintenance.html
>     RewriteRule ^.*$    /var/www/maintenance.html [L]
> </VirtualHost>
> <VirtualHost *:433>
>     ServerName test2.domain.com
>     ProxyPass /WebApp http://test2.domain.com:8081/WebApp
>     ProxyPassReverse /WebApp http://test2.domain.com:8081/WebApp
>     ProxyPass / http://test2.domain.com:8081/WebApp
>     ProxyPassReverse / http://test2.domain.com:8081/WebApp
>     ProxyPreserveHost On
>     ProxyTimeout 1500
>     SetEnv           force-proxy-request-1.0 1
>     SetEnv           proxy-nokeepalive       1
>     SetEnv proxy-initial-not-pooled 1
>     RewriteEngine On
>     RewriteCond /var/www/maintenance.html -f
>     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/maintenance.html
>     RewriteRule ^.*$    /var/www/maintenance.html [L]
> </VirtualHost>
> Going to the application through the test1.domain.com, the service 
> parameter will look like this
> https://sso.server.com/cas/login?service=https%3A%2F%2Ftest1.domain.com%2FWebApp%2F
> However, it will look the same with test2.domain.com, therefore, cas will 
> not load different views because my client has a clearly defined only one 
> ${cas.service.host}
> <bean id="casAuthenticationFilter" 
> class="org.jasig.cas.client.authentication.AuthenticationFilter">
>         <property name="casServerLoginUrl" 
> value="${cas.server.host}/login"/>
>         <property name="serverName" value="https://${cas.service.host}"/>
> </bean>
> Thanks in advance for your help, any suggestions are welcome.
> -- 
> Ray Bon
> Programmer analyst
> Development Services, University Systems
> 2507218831 | CLE 019 | rb...@uvic.ca <javascript:>

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