
Thank you.  You might be on to something.  I was quoting from memory and I 
was wrong on swap.  Of the two nodes, both in my mind identical VM's, the 
secondary node has 8GB of swap and a tiny bit used, but the primary, the 
one that is crashing, has no swap configured.  I have requested our systems 
team add 8GB of swap to the primary.

Primary server:

              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache  
Mem:        8010840     4872660      420488      107484     2717692    
Swap:             0           0           0

Secondary server:

              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache  
Mem:        8010972     1192296     1530500       23196     5288176    
Swap:       8388604        4604     8384000

Not sure I understand why it would matter since in theory swap should not 
be needed on a server with 8GB of ram with jvm limit set to 6GB though.  
Any more insight on why, because I would really like to understand the 

Additionally, I've put the shibboleth IDP back into play, effectively 
rendering the saml services in cas "unused".  I am using proxy_ajp to front 
tomcat with apache so it was easy to copy the idp.war into tomcat and 
re-enable the shib-cas-authenticator. I guess my hope of moving from 
cas+shibb. to just cas will have to wait....


P.S. Jeff, thank you for posting your catalina opts!

On Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at 11:30:40 PM UTC-6, Martin Bohun wrote:
> I have seen the behavior you are describing when people ran cas (tomcat, 
> mysql, etc.) on a (what I would consider a misconfigured) Linux box with 0 
> swap.
> However you are saying you have 4gb of swap.
> I still do prefer to set my swap to 2 * $MY_RAM; can you try that? adjust 
> or add a swapfile to your swap (so you have 8gb RAM / 16gb swap), I am 
> curious if that would help / solve your problem?
> What error messages are you getting in the jvm and syslog/systemd journal 
> from the OS?
> regards,
> martin
> On Thursday, December 21, 2017 at 1:35:45 PM UTC+11, William E. wrote:
>> RHEL 7, 8GB ram, swap is 4GB.  It's a VM in our vSphere cluster+SAN.  I 
>> actually have three, two PROD nodes behind a load balancer and one test 
>> node.  All have same specs and all show the issue.  Steadily chews up 
>> memory until eventual crash, 1-6 hours depending on load.
>> The asme servers were running cas 3.6 . + shibboleth 3.3.x for quite a 
>> while without memory issues.  Upgraded and tried to consolidate to just cas 
>> 5, using it's saml2 capabilities to replace the shibboleth component.  But, 
>> it's not going as well as I had hoped.
>> Been working with Unicon Support on it, but it appears to be a memory 
>> leak in cas 5.2, based on heap analysis.  So I am kinda of stuck.
>> Thanks for your help!
>> On Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at 6:49:39 PM UTC-6, Martin Bohun wrote:
>>> What is your:
>>> 1. operation system
>>> 2. how much RAM do you have
>>> 3. how much swap do you have
>>> if you are on  Linux you can do:
>>> 1.    uname -a
>>> 2-3. free -m
>>> and post the output here
>>> regards,
>>> martin
>>> On Thursday, December 21, 2017 at 11:00:30 AM UTC+11, William E. wrote:
>>>> Does anyone have any recommendations for CATALINA_OPTS for cas 5.x on 
>>>> tomcat 8?
>>>> I am finding that our setup steadily eats up memory to the point that 
>>>> it eventually crashes from out of memory and has to be restarted.
>>>> Current settings:
>>>> CATALINA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -server 
>>>> -Xms1g -Xmx6g -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC 
>>>> -XX:-UseCompressedOops"
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> William

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