Brian, if I have understood things correctly I think you're doing this the hard 
way: I suspect the sort of thing you're after can be handled with bypass 
options in CAS where you skip MFA if a particular attribute is found on the 
authenticated user (ldap group is blah). If a match is found, bypass will kick 
in and if not, CAS should be able to trigger MFA. There is also the built-in 
ability to check with Duo directly to see if the user has in fact registered 
for MFA/Duo and does have an account. 


> From: "Man H" <>
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, February 6, 2018 10:56:18 AM
> Subject: Re: [cas-user] Multiple Duo Instances

> So in my opinion you have a globaltriggerpolicy mfa-duo and eg a groovy 
> trigger
> for employees.


> 2018-02-06 12:18 GMT-03:00 brian mancuso < > :

>> I'm open to any solution that simplifies things and meets the needs. When I'd
>> read the documentation, it seemed custom triggers were the way to go here.
>> To give a little more information, I have students and employees that both 
>> need
>> to login via CAS to several systems. For some of those systems, we need to
>> require employees that login to use DUO while students will have the option,
>> but not be required. Other systems won't require DUO for either group unless
>> they're already enrolled.

>> On Tuesday, February 6, 2018 at 9:59:02 AM UTC-5, Manfredo Hopp wrote:
>>> Couldn't this be achieved through custom authentication handler?

>>> El martes, 6 de febrero de 2018, brian mancuso < > 
>>> escribió:

>>>> We would like to allow users in a specific ldap group the ability to 
>>>> optionally
>>>> bypass Duo for a given service if the user is not signed up for a 2fa 
>>>> account.
>>>> Essentially there would be these two cases for a user:

>>>> - 2fa always required
>>>> - 2fa optionally required (but always required if the user has a Duo 
>>>> account)

>>>> I have two duo instances defined in the file: mfa-duo,
>>>> mfa-duo-force. The first is in bypass mode while the latter doesn't allow 
>>>> any
>>>> bypass.
>>>> Then my other classes are thus:
>>>> spring.factories
>>>> org . springframework . boot . autoconfigure . EnableAutoConfiguration = 
>>>> org .
>>>> apereo . cas . custom . config . 
>>>> SelectiveDuoWebflowEventResolverConfiguration

>>>> I then put together a custom trigger that will determine if a user is 
>>>> required
>>>> to use DUO or not:

>>>> package org.apereo.cas.custom.mfa;

>>>> import;
>>>> import java.util.Map;
>>>> import java.util.Optional;
>>>> import java.util.Set;
>>>> import org.apereo.cas.CentralAuthenticationService;
>>>> import org.apereo.cas.authentication.Authentication;
>>>> import org.apereo.cas.authentication.AuthenticationServiceSelectionPlan;
>>>> import org.apereo.cas.authentication.AuthenticationSystemSupport;
>>>> import org.apereo.cas.authentication.principal.Principal;
>>>> import;
>>>> import;
>>>> import;
>>>> import;
>>>> import org.apereo.cas.ticket.registry.TicketRegistrySupport;
>>>> import 
>>>> org.apereo.cas.web.flow.resolver.impl.AbstractCasWebflowEventResolver;
>>>> import;
>>>> import org.slf4j.Logger;
>>>> import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
>>>> import org.springframework.web.util.CookieGenerator;
>>>> import org.springframework.webflow.execution.Event;
>>>> import org.springframework.webflow.execution.RequestContext;

>>>> public class SelectiveDuoWebflowEventResolver extends
>>>> AbstractCasWebflowEventResolver {

>>>> private static final Logger LOGGER =
>>>> LoggerFactory.getLogger(SelectiveDuoWebflowEventResolver.class);

>>>> public SelectiveDuoWebflowEventResolver(AuthenticationSystemSupport
>>>> authenticationSystemSupport, CentralAuthenticationService
>>>> centralAuthenticationService, ServicesManager servicesManager,
>>>> TicketRegistrySupport ticketRegistrySupport, CookieGenerator
>>>> warnCookieGenerator, AuthenticationServiceSelectionPlan
>>>> authenticationSelectionStrategies, 
>>>> MultifactorAuthenticationProviderSelector
>>>> selector) {
>>>> super(authenticationSystemSupport, centralAuthenticationService,
>>>> servicesManager, ticketRegistrySupport, warnCookieGenerator,
>>>> authenticationSelectionStrategies, selector);
>>>> }

>>>> @Override
>>>> public Set<Event> resolveInternal(RequestContext context) {
>>>> final RegisteredService service = WebUtils.getRegisteredService(context);
>>>> final Authentication authentication = WebUtils.getAuthentication(context);
>>>> Set<String> attributeKeys = authentication.getAttributes().keySet();
>>>> for (String s : attributeKeys) {
>>>> System.out.println("s: " + s + " " + 
>>>> authentication.getAttributes().get(s));
>>>> }
>>>> Principal principal = authentication.getPrincipal();
>>>> attributeKeys = principal.getAttributes().keySet();
>>>> for (String s : attributeKeys) {
>>>> System.out.println("p: " + s + " " + principal.getAttributes().get(s));
>>>> }
>>>> if (userRequiresDUO()) {
>>>> LOGGER.warn("Forcing MFA");
>>>> Optional<MultifactorAuthenticationProvider> mfaDuoForced =
>>>> this.getMultifactorAuthenticationProviderFromApplicationContext("mfa-duo-force");
>>>> MultifactorAuthenticationProvider forcedProvider = mfaDuoForced.get();
>>>> final Map eventAttributes
>>>> = buildEventAttributeMap(authentication.getPrincipal(),
>>>> service,
>>>> forcedProvider);
>>>> final Event event
>>>> = validateEventIdForMatchingTransitionInContext(forcedProvider.getId(),
>>>> context, eventAttributes);
>>>> return ImmutableSet.of(event);
>>>> } else {
>>>> LOGGER.warn("Not forcing MFA");
>>>> Optional<MultifactorAuthenticationProvider> mfaDuo =
>>>> this.getMultifactorAuthenticationProviderFromApplicationContext("mfa-duo");
>>>> MultifactorAuthenticationProvider bypassableProvider = mfaDuo.get();
>>>> final Map eventAttributes
>>>> = buildEventAttributeMap(authentication.getPrincipal(),
>>>> service,
>>>> bypassableProvider);
>>>> final Event event
>>>> = validateEventIdForMatchingTransitionInContext(bypassableProvider.getId(),
>>>> context, eventAttributes);
>>>> return ImmutableSet.of(event);
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> }

>>>> package org.apereo.cas.custom.config;

>>>> import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
>>>> import org.apereo.cas.CentralAuthenticationService;
>>>> import org.apereo.cas.authentication.AuthenticationServiceSelectionPlan;
>>>> import org.apereo.cas.authentication.AuthenticationSystemSupport;
>>>> import org.apereo.cas.configuration.CasConfigurationProperties;
>>>> import org.apereo.cas.custom.mfa.SelectiveDuoWebflowEventResolver;
>>>> import;
>>>> import;
>>>> import org.apereo.cas.ticket.registry.TicketRegistrySupport;
>>>> import
>>>> org.apereo.cas.web.flow.authentication.RankedMultifactorAuthenticationProviderSelector;
>>>> import org.apereo.cas.web.flow.resolver.CasDelegatingWebflowEventResolver;
>>>> import org.apereo.cas.web.flow.resolver.CasWebflowEventResolver;
>>>> import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
>>>> import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
>>>> import
>>>> import;
>>>> import notation.Bean;
>>>> import notation.Configuration;
>>>> import org.springframework.web.util.CookieGenerator;

>>>> @Configuration("selectiveDuoWebflowEventResolverConfiguration")
>>>> @EnableConfigurationProperties(CasConfigurationProperties.class)
>>>> public class SelectiveDuoWebflowEventResolverConfiguration {

>>>> @Autowired
>>>> @Qualifier("initialAuthenticationAttemptWebflowEventResolver")
>>>> private CasDelegatingWebflowEventResolver initialEventResolver;

>>>> @Autowired
>>>> @Qualifier("centralAuthenticationService")
>>>> private CentralAuthenticationService centralAuthenticationService;

>>>> @Autowired
>>>> @Qualifier("defaultAuthenticationSystemSupport")
>>>> private AuthenticationSystemSupport authenticationSystemSupport;

>>>> @Autowired
>>>> @Qualifier("defaultTicketRegistrySupport")
>>>> private TicketRegistrySupport ticketRegistrySupport;

>>>> @Autowired
>>>> @Qualifier("servicesManager")
>>>> private ServicesManager servicesManager;

>>>> @Autowired(required = false)
>>>> @Qualifier("multifactorAuthenticationProviderSelector")
>>>> private final MultifactorAuthenticationProviderSelector
>>>> multifactorAuthenticationProviderSelector = new
>>>> RankedMultifactorAuthenticationProviderSelector();

>>>> @Autowired
>>>> @Qualifier("warnCookieGenerator")
>>>> private CookieGenerator warnCookieGenerator;

>>>> @Autowired
>>>> @Qualifier("authenticationServiceSelectionPlan")
>>>> private AuthenticationServiceSelectionPlan
>>>> authenticationRequestServiceSelectionStrategies;

>>>> @RefreshScope
>>>> @Bean
>>>> public CasWebflowEventResolver selectiveDuoWebflowEventResolver() {
>>>> return new SelectiveDuoWebflowEventResolver(authenticationSystemSupport,
>>>> centralAuthenticationService,
>>>> servicesManager, ticketRegistrySupport, warnCookieGenerator,
>>>> authenticationRequestServiceSelectionStrategies,
>>>> multifactorAuthenticationProviderSelector);
>>>> }

>>>> @PostConstruct
>>>> public void initialize() {
>>>> initialEventResolver.addDelegate(selectiveDuoWebflowEventResolver());
>>>> }

>>>> }

>>>> This is driving me nuts because in the documentation it just states that 
>>>> you are
>>>> allowed to use multiple DUO instances. But I'm getting an error that
>>>> transitions aren't defined for the mfa-duo-force instance:

>>>> 2018-02-01 10:25:29,433 WARN
>>>> [org.apereo.cas.web.flow.resolver.impl.AbstractCasWebflowEventResolver] -
>>>> <Transition definition cannot be found for event [mfa-duo-force|mfa-duo]>

>>>> If anyone has any information on how I can get this working or if I'm
>>>> approaching this all wrong, please let me know. Thanks in advance!

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